Enjoying the course (!) but a question- you list að losa as ‘lose’. Other sites show it as release or loosen, untie, with að missa or að týna or tapa as lose. Is it perhaps a typo of LOSE instead of LOOSE? Or is that truly how its used in iceland?
Hi Duanefalk,
You are correct, it is a typo. að losa is to loosen. You can verify here: http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/IcelOnline/IcelOnline.TEId-idx?type=entry&eid=losa&q1=losa
and here: https://islenskordabok.arnastofnun.is/ord/26981
Hi Richard
Found a typo- you list pure-bred as heinræktaður. Think you missed an r- hreinræktaður
Regards, Duane