I want the mems back

The mems were the MOST IMPORTANT part of the memrise application, to share your tricks and learn from the others. I found so many brilliant ways to help me memorizing words and I hope that I helped a lot of other users with my thoughts. At least in the Android app they are still available. But I fear that also there they will dissapear.
They do constant updates, but I don’t feel that they improved in any way in the last years.

What is your opinion?


I really liked the mems because they help you learn a difficult word but now that I’m getting better at the language I’m learning I feel like the mems aren’t as helpful as before. But they might still help and they are handy to use. I hope that Memrise brings the mems back :slightly_smiling_face:


I agree 100% with you. While Mems are still available for/in community courses, they aren’t in Memrise’s official courses. And despite the fact that this has been pointed out in countless postings over at least a year (or two?), Memrise refuses to bring them back. Sadly, the company’s main objective seems to rather focus on fancy visual updates while taking away features and ignoring bugs (some of which having been known for over two years!) …


That’s good to know, because that is where I like to use them, especially as “Alternatives” do not show on the App.

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I never really used the mems, but they were incredibly helpful for others I know.


Seriously the mems should not be gone. They’re what make Memrise MEMrise, after all!

The community-created courses that are old and popular have accumulated quite a number of mems that I find very useful. On my computer, I’ve been using Beta, which is indeed a nicer-looking layout. But mems are not available on Beta, so sometimes when I find a word difficult and would like to get some help from mems, I will go to the mobile app and look for the mems for that word. This is how useful mems are!

I’ve read the article regarding why they’ve decided to retire mems, where I see no convincing reasons for the decision. They just say they’ve “found out that the majority of learners that have access to them do not use them” from “more recent research and data”. If that is the case, isn’t it more reasonable to improve the layout for mems and to encourage the creation and use of mems, than to retire them? (Not to mention I doubt if the reduced usage of mems is simply a consequence of mems being not available in Beta.) It seems that Memrise has taken the lazy approach so that they don’t have to spend time and effort to maintain the mems!

As a subscriber and long-time user (about 6 years) of Memrise who have accumulated almost 24M points, I frankly find the decision very disappointing. Please, WITHDRAW it and keep Memrise MEMrise.


I personally don’t use mems, at least not anymore(I learn Japanese and kanji basically work like mems if you already know them), but I still think it’s absolutely absurd to remove them. I think they’re super important when you’re early into learning a language, and i’m sure there’s plenty of people who never stop using them. The good news is that they’re apparently going to restore them at some point, but I bet that’s because of the backlash they got when they announced their removal.


I totally agree. I relied on mems for learning new words or words I have forgotten. That is why I use Memrise. I won’t be learning any new words (here) once mems have been removed. The plan (if that is the right word) seems to be to turn memrise into a cheaper (and likely worse) version of LingQ.


The existing Mems aren’t removed from the community courses but there is also no way to add new ones or am I missing something here? I wanted to add some, but literally found no way to do so

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You can still add new Mems in the Android app, at least for community courses.


Hm… I see if i can find an android phone. Is there an explanation on how to do it? can i also add pictures? or only text?

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I don’t see any hints on the → FAQ pages. Since they were (or might still be) planning to remove the Mems altogether, they might however have simply removed any FAQs besides → the one explaining how to save your own Mems before that happens.

FWIW, when you see an item - either during a learning session or in any list presenting items - you’ll see any already created Mems underneath. If there are any, you swipe through them to the right until you get a button ~“create your own mem”. This button will also be visible right away if no one created a Mem before.

There are tons of Mems with images, but it seems you can’t add them from Android (at least I couldn’t which doesn’t necessarily mean it doesn’t work :slight_smile: ).

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I also want the mems back, I am desperate, even it will be in the pro-version, i would love to pay to unlock the feature. Please !


Please bring the mems back!


Yes! I never really used Mems but now I think they’ll be super helpful! Plz bring them back!!!


I hope it can come back


I agree - I also really want them back, mems were one of the main reasons for why I chose memrise over other platforms, and why I chose to pay for it.

It’s been a really useful tool in learning for me, and I’m very upset to see them remove it just like that.

It’s really made me consider if I should switch to another platform, since there are no longer any advantages to Memrise for me

I’ve seen references saying they might add them back later, but I haven’t seen any time plan for this which is very frustrating.


As far as I am aware, they are available on the Android App but not on the web (which seems illogical as the team want to make the web similar to the App).

They were not the most important for me, and I never really made new ones, but I like them when they are there. The lists with mems are definately better for having them. I have no idea what they mean when they say that few people “use” them. I certainly use them, but mostly in a passive way. And yes, “updates” is perhaps the wrong word. I can’t think of another company that has done so much to alienate its most active users by taking away or changing features that were key parts of our daily patterns of learning for years.


Why are there no mems for "Remembering the Kanji, Vol 1 (mackrell)?
I’ve been away for a long time, I wanted to do a review and found that the mems are gone!
For some folks, like me, mems are the essential crutch to help complete the ‘implant’ of the Kanji in my brain so that it will stick there forever.
I miss those golden days of learning where you could choose other learners’ mems.
True, some folks don’t use or need them, but why punish the ones that do use and need them by getting rid of them.
Do the right thing, and please bring them back.
Desktop Memrise User