I need help with my suscriptino or a refund

Hi I upgraded to Pro on my android, nothing changed. Still locked. But when I go into Google Play says I’ve already upgraded.
I’ve emailed but only had a automated reply.
If it can’t be sorted I would like a refund please.

Order number:GPA.3365-4329-8348-35757
Fecha del pedido: dic 23, 2017 3:03:14 p.m. CST
Item Price

I’ve received an email saying this:

Artículo Precio
Memrise Pro - Annual International 50 (Memrise: Learn a new language) $0.00

Suscripción anual con prueba gratuita - El primer cargo se realizará el dic 30, 2017.
Impuesto: $0.00
Total: $0.00
Forma de pago:

Please help me.