I just Finished creating a vocabulary spreadsheet of 362 words in each of the languages listed in the title of this post; I intend to add it to Memrise when it’s finished. I think most of the Japanese and German words are correct since I’ve been studying those two for the longest, along with Spanish. I have not used Google Translate for the Spanish or Japanese words, I may have used it for some German words. I already have a friend from Argentina who is going through and correcting the Spanish words for me.
If any of you are good at working with spreadsheets, It would be most appreciated if you could make some corrections in your language for me!
#1: For Arabic, I plan to start off learning Egyptian Arabic, so if you could make any of your corrections Egyptian Arabic, that would be awesome!
#2: I’m learning Mandarin Chinese, so please make your corrections Mandarin!
#3: For German, Greek, Hebrew and Arabic, I’ve included the Definite articles, please don’t remove them unless it’s absolutely necessary. If you do end up removing the Definite articles from the words, please correct the romanized words as well to the right of the words to fit the removal
Here is the spreadsheet! Let me know if there are any problems! I was unable to link the Excel version of my spreadsheet in this thread, so I copied it to Google Sheets!: