I have a billing problem and Memrise isn't responding!

Yesterday, 3/17/19, I was billed $29.50 via PayPal through Google Play for Memrise Pro. I do not have this app installed on any of my electronic devices. Additionally, there is no record of either the order or the app in my Subscriptions folder or my Order History. I don’t want the product and want a refund. I

  • I was denied a refund by PayPal and referred to “contact the manufacturer.”

  • 10 hours ago I contacted Memrise via [email protected]. I explained my situation and got a “canned” email response that told me to log onto the website to access a refund.

  • I tried to log on, but received an error code stating, ‘there is no record of that email address’ because I. Don’t. Have. An. Account. With. Memrise.

  • I contacted Google Play and was again referred to the manufacturer.

  • I contacted Memrise again at a different email address and received a similar “canned” response encouraging me to log in to the website.

  • I signed up for Memrise this evening, just to be able to post this message. The link to the website’s refund area is just a link to the general Contact Us page with a map of London - not helpful.

  • I went back to the email from a desktop computer, logged on to my newly created account using the same email attached to my Google Play account and followed these directions, "If eligible*, you can request a refund by visiting https://memrise.com/premium/refunds ** on a computer…

  • I followed the link above received the following error message -
    Create refund request
    Refundable subscription
    You don’t have any subscriptions eligible for refund.
    Refunds are only available within the first 30 days, from your date of purchase.
    For further information please fill out our support contact form in our Knowledge Base or pop over to our community forum.

  • So I’m here with a message to the membership and accounting teams at Memrise. You have 10 business days beginning on 3/19/19 to contact me and to provide me with a full refund of $29.50 USD for Memrise Pro, which I never ordered, or I will start getting on various social media platforms. There, I will tell of my horrendous experience with your company and will use hashtags that connect your business name with the word ‘theft’.

  • PayPal Transaction ID:2NT567969X0975539
    (screen shot taken 3/18/19)

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I’ll flag the support staff for you: @MemriseSupport, @MemriseMatty

Thank you so much, Olaf. I appreciate your help!

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