I am stuck on the same phrase when I try to learn new words


I am currently on 103 / 226 words learned of the Spanish (Spain) 1 Course and when I try to advance in the course I keep getting to enter the same phrase for 3 days now.

Is there any other info I could give that could make solving this problem easier?


Hi, @Balfo_Balfo7.

Memrise is currently having some pretty drastic server issues, which seem to be preventing most users from making progress with anything on the web version.

There’s more discussion about it here.

Last I heard, one of the staff members said that they’re aiming to have it back on track by later tonight. For now though, we’ll just have to wait and see…

The site is messed up and the devs have been doing crap-all for the past 30hours to fix it. You’re better off finding a different method of learning at this point. Try getting a language for Dummies book instead. It’ll be more reliable than this site.
It’s been 2 days. Inexcusable. What about the people who paid for PRO? Are they gonna get time added onto their plan? Probably not from what I’ve been seeing here on the forums.

What you can do instead, is to click on the course so that you can see all the vocabs and write it down instead, whilst the site is being fixed, that is how I do it. I am also learning spanish…

Thanks for the clarification guys, I had no idea it was a bigger issue.

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I don’t work for Memrise, so I can’t say what’s going to happen about reimbursing for time with Pro.

In any case, I understand your frustration. I lost a 388-day streak because of this, and I’m quickly approaching a thousand review items, much larger than I’ve ever had before.

All we can do right now though is try to make the best of things and hope that it’s fixed soon. Could this be getting fixed faster? Probably. But Memrise is working on it. I’ll be spending my ‘Memrise time’ on other things for the time being, and I suggest that everyone getting frustrated about this do the same.


a lot of loyalty for someone who doesn’t work for memrise
you a PR guy?

No, I’m not. Do I really even need to answer that after explicitly saying that I don’t work for Memrise in my previous post?

Please give it a rest on trying to pick fights with other users just because you’re frustrated over something that was out of all of our hands. As I said, this is a frustrating situation for me, too, as it is for everyone else who’s dealing with it. I’m not expressing ‘loyalty’ by trying to stay calm; I’m simply used to things like this coming up by now.

We can either rage about it on the forums, or we can try to put our time to better use until the issues are fixed. One’s productive, and one isn’t. It doesn’t help this get fixed any faster either way. If you want to continue getting worked up on the forums, knock yourself out, but please refrain from picking fights with people that did absolutely nothing to you, or it will eventually get you into trouble.

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@TinyCaterpillar I’m probably wondering why you (and others) are going to such great lengths to defend a website that is being paid for by it’s users yet can’t even be used
Without any update or ETA

Care to point out where I ‘defended’ any of this? I’m encouraging people to stay calm and directing them towards current information on the issues. That’s pretty much the extent of what I’ve been posting since these issues started.

For the record, yes, I’m very irritated with all of this. I got no warning whatsoever that my routine was going to be turned upside down, and I do very much feel that they could keep us more in the loop on what’s going on. This is far from the first time that I’ve felt this way since first using Memrise though. Again, I’ve gotten used to it.

Why are you going to such lengths to pick fights with users who have played zero part in causing or continuing these issues? You’re not the only one dealing with this, so please don’t act as though you are. It’s only serving to make an already tense, frustrating situation worse.


With some people it’s useless, they seem to think we are on Memrise’s side no matter what is going on with the site., just because we do not put our frustrations down. He is also picking a fight with me because I am trying to keep things calm too.

He accused me also to be a PR guy for Memrise.

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