How to use Memrise2Anki

Oh, huh! I actually use github enterprise at work, but nobody every uses that feature so I had never seen it. But… that does seem to be a ZIP of the source code, where I was expending some build artifact, so even if I had known about that feature I would have assumed that is not what the install instructions are referring to. Now I know that it is.

@Christietje @eric.auerbach.71d9 thank you, good people. Anki is really something. You have to have a lot of free time to make it work.

BTW, can someone tell if there’s a speed review mode in the Anki Android app? I can’t find it.

I’m getting an error through Anki, I can’t download my courses

It finally worked! I’ve just imported one deck as a test.

Now there’s something else I ran into: my course got made into one huge deck instead of a deck and subdecks (like the memrise courses and levels). Does anyone know of an easy way to create subdecks while importing or do I have to do this manually as well?

Now I remember why I prefer using Memrise over Anki again… the learning curve is huge.

I have a similar question, but maybe not exactly the same. I successfully downloaded my Hebrew course using this extension (and I’m trying to download a few others next), but I’m not familiar with this Anki app. I did use Anki on the web I think, 5 years ago or something like that, but maybe I’m misremembering. Anyway, is there any concept of order in Anki decks, even if it doesn’t have “levels” the way Memrise did? Does this extension preserve the order of the items from Memrise? My course is very thoughtfully arranged to build up concepts in order, so if this just gets jumbled into one big random deck of individual cards it wouldn’t be so useful…

(Still very useful as a backup, which might allow me to reconstitute my course on a different platform in the future)

In Anki you can create sub-decks inside the decks to emulate Memrise levels, or even sub-decks inside sub-decks (and so on up to arbitrary depth) to structure the deck. Although for control of the study order it is advised to use the cards’ tags instead of that.

I don’t think the exact ordering of items is preserved during import, but there are several things created by the addon, that carry some information about it. There are two special fields - level and thing - created for each card. The first one is obvious enough, the second one (as far as I understand) is the Memrise’s thing id, with the lower numbers being assigned to the items, which were added to the site earlier. If the entire course was created in order, this can be used as a substitute for the number of an item in the course.
In addition to those two, there are also tags with level number assigned to all of the cards.

In Anki any field in the deck (the ones mentioned above created by the addon, or some other field manually created by a user) can be used to control the order in which the cards are learned.
To do so, you need first to sort the cards in the browse window by the desired field, and then select all and use Cards->Reposition on them.

Thanks for the explanation. It sounds like there is nothing I can do other than add a new field in Anki and very very manually updated it one by one, looking at my memrise course, to put things in the correct order. That’s unfortunate :frowning:

You can add that field with its values in the Memrise editor before downloading the course. This way you would only need to simply number all the entries without needing to recreate the order from scratch.

still gives the same error…

Try this

@Eltaurus, did you reply to my post? if so, thanks. But read that, tried this and that, still cannot import a bloody thing… the same error (i am now on linux, i’ll try tomorrow windows)

it seems there is no safe way to export to anki, for the time being

i get the same error under windows 10 as well
“line 661, in init
for name in sorted([ for x in mw.col.decks.all_names_and_ids(include_filtered=False)]):
<class ‘AttributeError’>: ‘DeckManager’ object has no attribute ‘all_names_and_ids’”

Does anyone have recent information on the memrise2anki tool? I’ve attempted getting my cards moved over to anki today using anki 2.1.49:

Debug info:
Anki 2.1.49 (dc80804a) Python 3.8.6 Qt 5.14.2 PyQt 5.14.2
Platform: Windows 10
Flags: frz=True ao=True sv=1
Add-ons, last update check: 2022-04-01 15:32:54

What then happens depends on which release/version of the memrise2anki tool I attempt to use (all resulting in errors, though).

Realmayus memrise2anki-extension ultimately leads to this error when attempting to import a course:

File "C:\path\to\addons21\memrise2anki-extension-master\", line 623, in loadCourse
    course.title = sanitizeName(courseData["session"]["course"]["name"], "Course")
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

The latest release (1.2.7) from wilddom’s memrise2anki-extension on the other hand causes problems when logging in with memrise credentials.

  File "C:\path\to\addons21\2071525018\", line 210, in accept
    if self.memriseService.login(self.usernameLineEdit.text(),self.passwordLineEdit.text()):
  File "C:\path\to\addons21\2071525018\", line 773, in login
    for field in form.find_all("input"):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find_all'

I’ve read over and tried to apply solutions that worked for other people, but to no avail:

  • replacing www.memrise with app.memrise (which wasn’t necessary as it was already done)
  • moving the files in the directory (after unzipping) up one in the directory hierarchy (the addon wasn’t recognised by Anki at all)
  • Use Anki version 2.44 (unchanged)
  • Have memrise open in a browser (firefox/chrome) and being logged in, or have browsers closed
  • Install manually or through anki

The courses I tried to import were:

These are by no means the only courses I’d like to move over to anki, but I have tried only these so far.
I have not tested all the combinations of all the solutions above, but at this point I suspect, that the issue might be elsewhere, or that it’s a mismatch of versions of memrise2anki, anki itself, and the structure of memrise. I suspect the solution is simple, but I feel stumped just now and hope that someone can help me out.

I’ve tried to download your courses and got the same error (I use Realmayus’ fork).
I also tried to download a couple of other courses (which I’ve been able to successfully download previously) and also got an error.
Considering that I didn’t change Anki or the addon version since then, it seems that the problem is caused by some changes in the Memrise database (It also might be connected to the missing mems issue I’ve told you about here A way to save all your mems - #78 by Eltaurus).

The addon no longer works, I’m afraid. The problem is in fact caused by the latest changes of Memrise, the structure of the data has changed completely. And unfortunately there won’t be an easy fix.

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Also see here: GitHub - raineorshine/memrise-export: Export all words from a Memrise course to a CSV file

This addon is not working.

UPDATE 2022-04-06: Sadly, Memrise has removed the unofficial XHR API that Memrise Export used, so the extension no longer works.

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I have created a new thread that covers the new utility, all relevant posts have been moved there.

See here: →

it doesn’t work, the addon is invalid

Try this one