How to start as a beginner?

Hello everyone, nice to meet you all
Just a fast question :smile:
I’m a complete beginner in Japanese , I just know hiragana and some simple sentences
And I was wondering what is the right path to learn Japanese through memrise ?
Should I just start the official courses and then see or is there a better way ?
P.s I’m learning Japanese just for fun but I want to get good at it :blush:

Thank you

I think you should try the Memrise made courses for Japanese. They have really helped me, since I am learning Portuguese. If the Memrise made courses do not suffice try the community made courses.
And last thing Memrise can’t get you fluent in a language, it shows you the basics.
Anyway Bye @esraa_adel and welcome to the forums!



I personally suggest using memrise as a review tool + a way to get some vocabs in your system.
For learning grammar you’re better off picking up books (Genki series, Minna no Nihongo; I recommend the former).
You can also use Memrise to memorize some Kanji but my personal recommendation is learning to hand write a bit of Kanji at least until you reach N4 then you can just forego writing altogether. It helps to know the strokes and radicals in that way and once you have it under your belt the other Kanji / learning other Kanji would be a bit more easier.

Good luck!