How to split up a level?

I have a level in a course I’ve been gradually adding to for a long time now and it’s grown ridiculously huge, needs splitting into at least 4 different levels. But I can’t even seem to be able to drag words one by one from one level to another, and certainly can’t see any option for selecting multiple entries and moving them to a new level. What am I missing?

You’re not missing anything. You cannot do those things.

You make a new level, and add items to it. Then you delete those same items from the larger level.

Yes, this is frustrating, and a number of us have brought it up on the forums for years, as well as on the old uservoice suggestion site IIRC. I don’t recall memrise ever responding to these suggestions, and these days they’re telling us not to request features at all, so I don’t expect this to change for a long time.

Three ways you can do this. Easiest is go to “Database” when you’re editing the course. On the right is the “create levels” with a number you can edit to select number of entries per level. Set that to whatever you want such as 100 then when you press “Create Levels” it’ll make levels of 100 items each in the order you added the items to the database. Now, make sure the timing/review data is the same on these new levels. If you’re satisfied, delete the original level.

Other way, a bit tedious, is duplicate the level as many times as you want, then delete entries so they’re not duplicated.

Worst way is individually add the entries again.


Yes in the end I did that and deleted my existing levels. Given only one other person had ever attempted the course (their comment about the size of the last level was what finally prompted me to do something about it) and there wasn’t really anything particularly valuable about the way the existing levels had been configured this was the only feasible option given the number of words (nearly 900).
But now it shows all my levels as being “ready to learn” even though all of them are fully learned.

The first way that Charles mentioned is the easiest. Note you have to follow his procedure: first create the new levels, verify that everything is okay, then delete the old level.

An alternative fourth way would have been, if you don’t want every level to have the same number of words, to (1) copy the words, (2) bulk add them back into the new levels you want, (3) verify that they are linked to the original words by going into the new levels and either ignoring the entire level and seeing if the original level get ignored as well, or if you’ve already finished learning the course, just looking through the levels and noting that all the words in the new levels are learned as well, after verifying this you can (4) delete the original level.

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