How to reset a course?

I’m trying to start a course over, but there doesn’t seem to be the “Options” button etc, and all of the posts are old. Is Memrise not being monitored by anyone? Ugh.

Hi @ellisonwolf18 and welcome to the forums!

On the web, go into your course and to where you see the its levels. You should find an Options button there. Upon clicking it, it’ll open a little menu where you’ll find the Restart Course button.

I can’t verify this myself right now as it doesn’t seem to work on a phone browser (even with the page in desktop mode), so you might have to use a PC for that.


The “Options” button is no longer there. I would also be interested in how one can reset a course.

As Olaf says, it’s possible on the website but, the restart doesn’t sync to the app version.