How to report errors/typos?

In one of my levels (I’m a Memtor, I think), under the word 속, it says (I’m paraphrasing) “in the water or inside the forrest”. Not sure how “forrest” didn’t twig a red squiggly line alert as a typo, unless it thought it was a man’s first name.
Not sure how or where I’d report something like this, but I’ve just followed whatever steps were offered.
I suggest a specific “report an error” link to make it easier.

Hello. Are you asking for whoever made the course to please fix the error, or are you suggesting that Memrise implement a spellchecking feature?

Do you know what course the problem is in? If so, type [Course Forum] name of course into the search bar and make your report in the forum discussion for that course. @Lien can help contact the course creator and start a course forum if one is not already in existence.

@Neoncube, I’m suggesting both. Obviously, the error should be fixed, but to make it simpler to report these errors, a quick link would be great.
@JoThelan, Are you saying just to type “Korean” into the search bar? I’lI try to do that, but I’m just finding my way around this site, being a newbie. 3 days, and I’m blazing into Mempee territory. :wink: (Improving my Hangeul typing skills, to boot).
The error is in either the 1st or 2nd level (1-15 or 16-30). Is that what you’re asking?

Okay :slight_smile:

I did a bit of searching for you, and it seems that there wasn’t a course forum for this course, so I’ve created one. Could you please repost the issue in that topic, here?

There used to be a feature on the website where you could click a link to report these types of errors, but it was removed when the site moved to using new forum software.

@BikerLad, not exactly. Each course has a different name, and most have different course creators and contributors. For example, one course that I am taking, and also contributing to, is called “5000 Most Common French Words.” If someone found a mistake in the course, all they would need to do is search [Course Forum] “500 Most Common French Words,” and then report the problem in that specific discussion, where the course contributors know where to look for reports. Reporting it in other discussions might not get results you are looking for, as the contributors might not be very active in the forums. But @Neoncube has already figured out what course you are talking about and set up a course forum, so all you need to do is follow his link and make your report there. Make sure to include as much information as possible, so that the creator or contributors can find the problem easily. :christmas_tree: :smiley_cat:

Hi JoThelan and Neoncube,

I see the link that you’ve created, Neoncube, and it appears as though you’ve copied my original into that forum.
I also note that the error still exists, as I’ve just done my Review session.
It’s not a big deal, really, but I’m a pedant, and forest is forest, not forrest.
Steven (aka BikerLad)

Hi BikerLad,

Yes, I tagged the person who appears to be the course owner, but he hasn’t responded. Would you be interested in being a maintainer of the course?

Hi, I hope I’m replying directly to you, Neoncube, as it shows “reply to this email” as an option. I find getting to the thread in question, and then back to one’s own page quite confusing. I’m not sure why, but I have to exit out of Memrise, and then go back in to get to my own stuff. Pressing “previous page” doesn’t do the trick, it seems. In all my time in Korea, I’ve emailed dozens of companies/organizations/publications to advise them of grammar and spelling errors. I’ve never once received a reply, so I’m not surprised you didn’t, either. By the way, they’ve also typed “south korean” without capitalization. Again, not exactly sure of the level, because I do a constant review, so I’m getting stuff from the first three levels (I’m currently doing the fourth one). Hmm, what would be involved in maintaining the course? Happy to be a part of the community learning process, time permitting. Cheers, Steven (aka Biker Lad)

Hi BikerLad,

The course that you are reporting the typo in is a community-made course, not a Memrise supported one, so it’s up to people in the community to fix the issues :slight_smile: I initially tagged the course creator, but it looks like he may not be around anymore, or at least hasn’t been on the forums in a few months.

Anyway, if you were a course maintainer, you would have access to change the definitions of words in the course. You could also add or delete words or levels, but course maintainers don’t usually do this unless there’s a really good reason to.

If you’d like to be added as a course maintainer, just go to the topic that I initially linked to, tag Lien, and ask her if you can be a course maintainer for that course.