Hello! I would like to know is it possible to reduce word repeat count in the “Learn” session? For now Memrise somehow configured to repeat every new word SIX times. It’s too much for me and i believe this is a huge waste of time too. I can see no such (or similar) option on the settings page. Is it available for Pro members or maybe some greasemonkey script exists. Sorry for my english i’m just learning.
they repeat it six times so that you learn it and it will stick on your head, and I don’t think their is any way of reducing this
@zchenzo your English seems very extensive in mentioning grease monkeys like this.
I agree with @ApolloNexus this is the essence of Memrise, the repetition in the learning. You can ignore the words you already know if that helps you to go through certain levels quicker.
Now I had to look up the actual meaning(s) of grease monkeys. Thanks for that
EDIT : As for OP’S question. I don’t know of any script or any way around it. Same thing for PRO members.
I agree, sometime, it does feel redundant. So I always try to avoid automatic mode and really try to remember the word each time using my mnemonics. In some courses, I do the first session (first 3 repetitions) of several lessons before doing the second session (last three repetitions) to increase the space between each occurrence.
Sadly no. Currently only the course creators and possibly course contributors have the ability to “auto learn” items in the lesson.
I agree though. A number of my courses are grammar based where the student reads the chapter/entry then learns the Memrise entries which are sentence/grammar point to Japanese sentence. There’s zero need to repeat that six times is short succession because four or five example sentences are used for each grammar point.
Again, Memrise, give the course creators a chance to mark/set lessons to have 1, 3 or 6 reviews necessary to count as “learned”.
Thanks for answers. I’ve had such suspicion. It’s a little bit annoying that you can only ignore a new word completely. I think that /for myself/ the large number of repetitions in a short period of time doesn’t help to remember new words significantly better, cause it’s sooooo easy to guess if you have such a small number of options (5/10/15/20). This is only a waste of time.
It will be very good just to have a possibility to mark a new word as “remembered” during the learning session. Or define word repeat count at course level (for everyone).
Thanks once more.
zchenzo, your english is very good
How to do that? Never noticed it …
I’d never ever take a memrise course that is set to show me a new piece of information just once in the learning phase… Memrise is rather “wrong” as regards some assumptions of the SRS learning (mostly because human life rythmus cannot fit the time intervals the founders of memrise regard as carved in stone - in fact probably what all psy students learn at the university).
But for this 5, 6 repetitions in the first learning phase - for this there is rather hard empirical evidence. The brain (especially in the case of adults) needs at least 5 repetitions, for a new item of information to have a pale chance to enter the middle-term memory. In fact, unless your learning process is indeed long-lasting and cumulative, those 5-6 times are simply not enough.
I agree that it would be good if there were an option to allow ordinary users to skip the learning phase, and go straight into the practice phase.
I agree that multiple spaced repetitions are needed for learning totally new facts, but there are many people who already learned a subject at some point in the past, and would just like to use a tool like memrise to refresh their memory about facts they already know. For that scenario, forcing them to go through the learning phase, with the full six repetitions is counterproductive and discouraging.
There is no good reason why a spaced repetition system like memrise has to assume that everyone is starting from zero knowledge, when the reality is that everyone’s pre-existing level of knowledge is different.
If we could go straight into the practice phase, the system would see which items we get wrong more frequently, and would automatically adapt itself to the strength of our memory of the items in the course.
You could ask to become a contributor to the course or you could duplicate it. Then you can ‘auto-learn’ the words.
That’s true. That’s one way to get around the limitation, and it isn’t so bad if only a few people want to review a course without “learning” it.
But that solution doesn’t really scale up, if many users want to do it. For instance, how many memrise users even know that that is a possibility? And think of all of the extra work for course creators, or staff like Lien, who would have to respond to users’ requests to be added as a contributor to courses. And is it good for a course to have dozens or even hundreds of contributors?
It doesn’t have to be that complicated. Every user used to have the option in the old memrise system to just append something like “/garden/auto_grow/” to the course url to be able to auto-learn the course, and jump right to reviewing. That option could be restored, if memrise wants to do it.
@zchenzo @ApolloNexus @sircemloud @Nigu84 @Nukemarine @Atikker @Hydroptere @xvg11 @Arete_Hime
Auto-Learn (for one - currently learning - single word) is back by cooljingle’s new user script: [Userscript] Memrise Auto Learn
The button is always there, so you can opt out at any of those 1 - 4 (5) steps.
I would love another option, as already suggested in his thread, to jump from step 0 to step 4 or 5 and having to at least 1-2 typings of the learned words, instead of really “auto_learning” (jumping to step6) for some words which are not too easy and not too difficult.
For incorrect answers on reviews (watering):
You can also reduce the 3-4/5 repetitions when you give an incorrect answer.
Cooljingle’s new user script “Wrong answer skips”: Userscript: wrong answer skips
Cooljingle’s new user script “Learning retries”: Userscript: Memrise Learning Retries