How to quit course you tried and didn't like?

I found Memrise by accident and I love it. It helped me get acquainted with French :slight_smile: Learning was like playing games! I even made few courses for my son to help him with his English course in school. And it was great. With repeating and typingā€¦ his progress was fast!
I took memriseā€™s French A1, and when I saw I was near end of that course, I looked for next one. I joined some groups, and now I have chaos!!!
I tried few couses, but I didnā€™t like them. It is very hard for me to learn if I donā€™t have audio, so some of the courses were not for me. But I just can not make them not showing in my home list of coures I am taking! I quit all the groups I joined, I turned off goal settersā€¦ I clicked ā€œquit courseā€ multiple times, but I just can not get rid of unwanted courses.
On my desktop, is not big problem, but to have all french couses lined in my android appā€¦ it is too much.

So, if anyone knows how to remove all the couses I donā€™t want from my home, online and from my android, please let me know.
Thanks in advance!

On the front page of each course there is an ā€˜optionsā€™ button (under words learned and the green bar) - click on that and ā€˜ā€˜quitā€™ā€™ will appear.

I donā€™t use the app so canā€™t help with that bit!

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I did that many times, but they keep comming back when I use filter ā€œrecently learnedā€! And there are even courses I never took.

I learn french and greek. If I use filter ā€œgreekā€ I see only couses I really take at this moment. If I use filter ā€œfrenchā€ I get endless list of couses, some of them I never took. I did join some groups to search for my next french course and I started few courses to try them out, but I kept only dozen or more french courses. Now my list of french courses is endless. All the topics, all the levels.

I wish if I could see only couses I actualy take.

Thank you!

Sorry, I was reading too fast and missed the bit where youā€™d used the quit button!

Have you double checked that you managed to quit all the groups successfully? I know joining a group was adding a lot of unwanted courses to peopleā€™s lists, but why they should keep re-appearing is strange.

I would suggest re-installing the app, but if youā€™ve got the unwanted French courses appearing on the website then that probably wonā€™t help.

Otherwise hopefully someone from the Memrise team can help - I think @Joshua might deal with the technical stuff.

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I believe I am out of all groups. I just installed memrise on my phone again, and I still have all those coursesā€¦ I just noticed courses that are not language related! Something is strange.
If powers that be read this, remove from my cours list all courses but those for greek, and those for french by memrise.
Thank you.

I think that all of the courses that are part of a ā€œgroupā€ are added to our list of ā€œrecently learnedā€ courses automatically when we join a group or even click on a group, even though we have never started to learn those courses.

The only way to remove those group courses from the ā€œrecently learnedā€ list is to open each course and quit it.

But there is another problem that I noticed, which is that just clicking on a course to see its description will add it to our list of ā€œrecently learnedā€ courses, even though we never even started the course. Quitting the course does remove it again from the list.

This is how it works for me on the web page. I donā€™t know if the same is true for the phone app, because I never tried it.

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It has happened to me. If you have left all groups and rechecked that you are left, then youā€™ll just have to open each course on app and trash themā€¦ it was the only thing that helped me. I had like 20 courses which I didnā€™t want to take, but they appeared, because they were listed in group

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In cases like this one I simply reinstall the Memrise App on my Android device - it always works for me.

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If you still are part of some group, which have lots of courses you donā€™t like, reinstalling does not help


Thank you all, I will try to delete course by course and let you know how that goes.

Thank you all.
I did it. I am definitely out of all groups, and I removed unwanted courses one by one.

Thank you all for taking your time to help me.


@ramajana Iā€™m glad youā€™re sorted!

So, is the key to quitting a course successfully is to open it via the recently learned page?

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@leggi I had to quit all groups, because when you join a group, all courses from that group appear in your home list of courses you are taking. Even the one you are not interested in,

So I quit all the groups I joined previously, and then I had to quit every course, one by one. It took some time, because some groups just add all courses they can find for that specific language, but at the end I managed to remove courses I didnā€™t want to take.

Again, thank you all for taking interest in my problem and for all your advices.