How to... manage/add my friends on the website

I use the app on my phone and also the website for “bigger picture” when I need to.

The app is practical on the go but managing the profile or friends is easier on the PC.

I recently tried to add one of my students in the people I follow but the search engine on the app could not locate it. So I thought it would be easier on the PC.

But I could not find a “find a friend” button anywhere. Did someone find a way? I must add that my students learn English, but I learn Chinese and German, therefore I can not find them on the courses I do in the leaderboards.

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@sircemloud in the web you have to know the username. type /user/replaceusernamehere at the end of our url to see their profile and click “Follow” :smiley:


this is the oldest memrise post, and I have revived it!

wow, this is so old.

really, really old

This post is from the same day when the new forum opened:

Before that, Memrise hosted their own forum which was a lot busier.

wow, so this is like REALLY, REALLY old