How to download audio from course memrise?

How to download audio from any course memrise to listen to it in player?

It may be something only a Creator or Contributor can do.

Perhaps, set the ones you need to practice to “Difficult”.

But if you are being tested on the audio in a pair, it is possible.


Go to the web with a level with the audio shown, right click then save it. (Ask if you need more information.)

There is no easy way of downloading audio that I know of, and to the best of my knowledge Memrise simply doesn’t support a mass-download.

Things you could try (I never tried these myself!):

  • Check out Memento which is an offline alternative to Memrise; from what I gathered, it will download courses completely so you can use them offline. See → this forum thread for more information.
  • IIRC, the → Memrise-2-Anki extension downloads all audio file so you can then import them into Anki.

Note that both solutions, if they do work at all, will leave you with a whole bunch of audio files, most probably without any reference to the text they contain. I’m sure there are tools that will compile all audio files in a given directory into a single file, but that’s a different story. What’s certain is that you’ll have to get your hands dirty.

If you do succeed in compiling something, please share your experience here with us!

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You could press the “leave early accsess” button under your account, then go to the course you want to get the words from, then click on preview to preview all the words in that course and you can hear all the sound recordings for that word. then you can use something like obs to record the audio.