How to create course from frequency list - bulk add words

Hi all,

I am trying to make a vocab course based on a frequency list (and maybe more courses in the future if it is easy and not too time consuming) as I did not find any good ones for some of the languages I am interested in.

Does anyone know how I can easily add words, example sentences, etc. to a course?

I do not have time to add thousand of words individually and the bulk add option does not seem to work for this either

Here is an example of a frequency list I could use:

I hope somebody with more knowledge could help; I think it is a real shame there is not a (good) top 5000 word course for every language.

Thank you guys

You’ll need to dump your list to a CSV and then bulk add that. It won’t work for alts and audio though.

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How are you using the bulk add feature? A few possible troubleshooting tips:

  1. Sometimes the tab separator doesn’t work–have you tried both that and the comma separator?
  2. If you need commas in your answers for phrases (“Hello, how are you?”), you’ll need to use the tab separator option.
  3. If you’re trying to use commas to separate synonyms, you’ll need to use the tab separator option. I also recommend not doing that unless you want to require learners to list every one of the synonyms in typing tests. (See the punctuation guide in the course creators section of the FAQ.)

And as @nphx says, CSV is often easiest for importing, especially if you have one already set up, and you will have to go in and manually add alts and audio to every individual word. Personally, I just type everything into Memrise bulk add, never mind the CSV, since I’d have to type it all in by hand to a spreadsheet anyway.

Thank you for your help.

The only problem I have is:
How does the website recognize what is the English word, the foreign word, the first meaning, second meaning, etc. for one entry?
Also how do you separate by tab?

(I do not know anything about what a CSV is and how to use it)

And example sentences and part of speech have to be added individually then for all thousands of words?

Hi @Quesingo I think this short video may help you. His example shows the creation of a German course for English speakers - the German (Foreign) words are put into the left most column.

It’s probably best to completely avoid using comma separated items (CSV). And, as shown in the video, by copying and pasting from a spreadsheet you’ll automatically be generating tab separated items.

There’s nothing to stop you creating a test course - just leave the Status set to “Incomplete” while you experiment with the features. Good luck.

Also, it may be worth looking at this site for Vocabulary Freq lists:

And if you forget what order everything goes in, it actually tells you the list in the bulk add dialog.

Keep in mind that you can change which column prompts which (whether Word is given and the user returns the Definition or vice versa) once you’ve added all the words by clicking on the little pencil to the right of the line at the top of the level that says “Test on ___, prompt with ___.” This means that if you accidentally put everything in the opposite direction of what you meant to do, you can just hop over to that option after the fact and switch them.

Any attributes you need can be added in the bulk add (and you can change the name of the column if you need something not already listed). The only reason you can’t add alts and audio there is because audio requires separate uploads, and alts aren’t listed on the same page.

Exactly. How is it supposed to know those things about your text? That’s why you need to provide the data in a standard format that the application can process. I’m sorry but you’ll just need to learn a thing or two about CSV (and honestly, there isn’t really more than that to learn about it ;)). I cannot imagine how they could have made bulk adding words simpler for people that aren’t that tech savvy.

But then again, since (I assume) you don’t know how to transform the data into the proper format programmatically, you’ll need to do it manually yourself. At that point you might just as well forget bulk adding and add the words one by one to Memrise.