How to create a Level with Text Only as Instructions

Hi, I’m new to the forum and I’m the creator of “Binary Digits The Easy Way”

I want to add Instructions as a Level, so it would be just Texts explaining how the course would work and that would be Level 1, I’ve seen many others have done it, but soon as I create a course and then create a Level, there is no option to add Text only, it only shows the fields where you would put a word and then on the next field you’d put another word.

How do I do this?

Hi, @ErolOzvatan.

You’ll want to create a ‘multimedia’ level for that. Click the “Add Level” drop-down box at the top of the level editor, then “Multimedia”. Once it’s created, click “Edit multimedia” under the level’s title. This will allow you to type what appears in the level.

Bear in mind though that it sounds like multimedia levels don’t appear on the app. I don’t use the app myself, but I’ve heard many other users mention it.


That’s great, Thank you!