How to contact Memrise support for an inappropriate course?

One of my students alerted me of a course containing some very inappropriate language. Does anyone know how I can bring it to Memrise’s attention? Thanks!

what course?

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@sunlaoshi, You will find the forum moderators listed behind the ‘3 bars’ button in the top right hand corner, then click on “About”. Tag one of them in a post in this thread, by putting “@“ in front of their username (as I did with yours), and include a link to the course in question. That should do it.


Hi @sunlaoshi,

Thanks for reporting this. Can you please send us a link to the course so that we can have a look?

Hi @sunlaoshi,

Thanks for getting back to us.

The course has now been removed.

I hope this helps.

Happy learning! :slight_smile:


Or maybe it was a good reason to remove it?

Thank you @alanh!

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not your “pc police” was flagged, but the fact you cannot stop somehow yourself from throwing all sorts of insults around (btw, i did not flag your post, I think you’re just very young or something)


that was not an isult. that concludes that you also have issues, but i already knew that.

I flagged it, because you are not contributing in any way constructive, and it seems you’re kind of shaming others for “daring” to have an opinion that you disagree with.