Hello is there any easy way to contact course owner? I found some issues in some courses but have no idea how to contact owner. Among all users I found issue in Memrise’s course, but still don’t know how to contact
I read FAQ about it, but it did not give any clue how to accomplish this mission.
I went to forums and tried to search users, but no luck. Apparently user login names in the forum might be different from memrise site. Please can somebody share their experience in contacting course owners?
Seriously is this the process? This is so unnecessary and how long will it take to the staff to actually get a hold of the course owner. I think this process needs to be changes. I have a few issues as well with a course and would like the owner to look into a few words that are incorrect. The easier thing for right now is to rather ignore the words that follow this complicated process. Sorry but that is not user friendly at all.