How to change order of audio files

I’m creating a Spanish course and have been adding audio to each word/phrase. For this I am using forvo. However, not every phrase can be found on forvo, eg. Let’s say you can’t find “No hay más que hacer” as a single file. So I’ve been individually downloading the words as files and uploading them to memrise in order of the words in the phrase. For some reason memrise switches the order of the files. So instead of playing “Dar la hora” word by word, it goes something like “Dar, hora, la.” I don’t know what to do about this. Does anyone know if I’m doing something wrong?

I didn’t know that you can upload mutliple files and have them all playing. I though when multiple files are uploaded, the APP choose one at (pseudo) random when it needs to play the audio (e.g. at the end of an answer).

I had the same problem with my Swedish audio files. Found a work around that works for Swedish. I use google translate and chrome audio capture plugin. I type the sentence in Swedish in google translate and press the listen button. If I am happy with the pronunciation then I record it using the audio plugin. So far haven’t had any problems. Hopefully it works with Spanish sentences as well.

Greetings from Finland.

You can have several alternative (!) audio files per word/phrase. As a result, these will play randomly (my personal perception) whenever the word/phrase comes up.
From what I read I suppose that you @champagnecroissant are trying to add phrases by downloading the words one by one, saving them to disk as separate audio files and then uploading them one by one into your phrase. This I suppose should really result in a single word being played every time you work on a phrase.
That said, I’d suggest you try and concatenate the words (i. e. several audio files) into a single audio file and then upload that single file.