How often should I learn new words?

Hello, I just started learning Russian. My question is, when should I move on to learning more words? Should I try to have all of the words absolutely memorized where I can recall them instantaneously? Or is it enough to just be able to recognize it when hearing it spoken or being able to find it in a list of other words?

It seems like the app wants to push you to keep learning new words and lists them as “mastered” after selecting them correctly a few times, but if I go back to the word an hour later I can’t recall it at all until I’ve seen it and the definition again. Is that sufficient though to move on to new vocabulary? Thanks

I would not go over more than 10 words a day, and I would make sure to remember them. It doesn’t have to be perfect of course, don’t stress if you forget one or two, repetition is key.

Go over them at least twice a day. In a week you’ll have 70 words and that’s not a tiny number. Maybe you’ll know all of them, maybe you won’t. Go over them again until you can recall them. I sometimes think and think, and even go over other words in my head digging for the one I need. It’s a process. Don’t go with what app thinks, you can see for yourself how much you know and how fast you can recall the word you need.

I don’t know which course you’re using but I prefer ones with sentences rather than individual words. I use both types but I like it better when I get to see words used in everyday speech, get to know different meanings one word can have, as well as how it affects words around it.

Hope I helped.

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