How make deux questions/cards with the same answer?

I’m try to create a course to memorize de latin declinaison for french speaker. But I’ve got some words which are the same for differents cases.
“hic” in neutral nominative is : “hoc”
“hic” in masculin ablative is : “hoc”
“hic” in neutral ablative is : “hoc”

When I have to found the latin word for "neutral nominative of “hic”… I don’t have problem
But when I have “hoc” and I should found the correct case, more than one answers are corrects… (and memrise says that I’m wrong if I don’t choose what it plans)

How can I write my questions/cards to avoid that ?

Thank you for your help,


I’m confused. When you have the problem, what exactly is the prompt, what are the options give for the answer, and what do you want the correct answer to be?

The question is :
the propositions are :

  • hic in neutral nomitative
  • hic in masculin ablative
  • 3th proposition
  • 4th propsition

And of course, only one of the 2 first is correct (but the other should be correct too…)



I think that one way you could solve this would be to add alternatives in each case where there are multiple possible correct answers. For example, in your case you’d need to add “hic in masculin ablative” as an alternative for “hic in neutral nomitative”, and “hic in neutral nomitative” as an alternative for “hic in masculin ablative”.

A better way for you, though, might be to create one item where you have “hoc” and then have “hic in neutral nomitative ; hic in masculin ablative ; …” as the answer. Memrise automatically recognizes items that are separated as semicolons as alternative answers.

In your case, I’d say you may want to go with the semicolon option, as it’ll be a lot less work for you.

Does that make sense?


Thank you. I think that it’s a good solution !


You’re welcome :slight_smile: