How do I stop column switching when bulk adding words?


I am bulk adding words to a list for English-French vocab but it is switching the vocab into different columns.
When I add it, it says that it must be in the order English, French, Part of Speech, Gender and I have selected comma as the delimiter. This is an example of how I am entering the vocab:

to accept, accepter
to check, vérifier
to choose, choisir
to clean, nettoyer
to click (ICT), cliquer
to climb/get on(to), monter
to close, fermer
to come, venir
to contact, contacter

However, once it has added it in, I end up with some of the English vocab in the French column, and vice-versa. I have tried to attach a picture to show how this has ended up looking.

Is there some kind of language auto-detect function that is misfiring or that I can switch off?

Thanks in advance,


I’ve seen extra skips (ie empty 2nd column, and then everything one step off), but not reversal before, this is really weird.
Where do you copy the lists from? Have you tried other sources (even copy/paste it somewhere else, and then copy/paste into memrise)?
I find I get the best results with tabs between columns, not commas; I mostly copy out of excel, or Google sheets

Yeah, feel you. It has maybe to do with the database. When importing words, Memrise sometimes checks existing databases (in other courses, globally) and adds missing information such as PoS or audio right away. In many cases, this procedure screws the whole import up. It gets particularly weird when your columns are somehow altered (e.g. you have added a new column or moved columns). Never found a solution here. My next attempt would be: renaming the standard database before importing. Changing the standard database name from “French” or whatever it is called to “French99” or so. That would just to assure, that Memrise doesn’t find matching entries. Then import your words. Never tried that; let me know if it works.


Thank you, I have been copying them from a word document with commas as spaces. Copied into into wordpad and notepad both pasted as plain text but I had the same problem with exactly the same items of vocabulary being switched over.
I took your advice about the tabs and excel. Re-typed everything into columns on there and it copied and pasted without a problem.
Thanks again.

Thank you, nice thought but no luck. I tried the database idea, typed in “Target Language” instead of French but I had the same problem unfortunately.
Resorted to excel and spacing by tabs. Re-typed everything into columns on there and it copied and pasted without a problem.
Thanks again.

It was worth a try. Best method then is then the direct copy and past from Google Sheats. Last week I imported 5000 words (with additional custom columns). Columns were juxtaposed, no extra blank columns, tabs, etc. That worked flawless. I was surprised, too.

​Definitely. Thanks for the Google Sheets tip too. I’m using excel currently which isn’t causing me problems for about 100 words over 2 columns. I’ll look into Google sheets if I need to expand my operation.

Thanks again.