How do I set a goal on a finished course?

Is there a way to set a goal on a finished course?

I am restarting using Memrise after about 6 months off. I have several finished courses that need a lot of review and working on difficult words. I would like to set a daily goal for those courses.

But it seems you can only set goals on unfinished courses? Would I have to restart that course to be able to set a goal?


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You unfortunately can’t set goals or even see the progress of previously set goals for finished courses, I believe.

If you ignored any items in the course though, you could un-ignore one of them, thus marking the course as ‘unfinished’ again. I always make sure to un-ignore one of the items that I chose not to learn in the courses I set goals for before finishing with the course.

Failing that, I think the only way to get the feature back for the course would be to reset the learning progress for something. You can reset progress by level, so as long as the course has multiple levels, you wouldn’t need to reset everything. It would however require you to refrain from learning at least one of the items until you’re ready to lose the feature again.