How do I manually renew Memrise Pro?

Hi there,

I have tried Memrise FAQ, customer services and their Facebook and Twitter to no avail. Can someone please tell me how I manually renew my Memrise Pro subscription?

Right now I have Memrise Pro, but my auto-renewal via PayPal has failed many times. I am worried I will lose my streak if my Pro subscription expires, but I can’t find a way to extend it.

Can someone please give me some instructions?


I’m thinking you want support from Memrise staff and this is a bug of sorts, so I’ve moved this to Web Bugs for now. There isn’t really a good category for this.

Hi Vanden, I was just about to reply to your support request of 10th May. Apologies for being a bit slow!
You could update your payment details in your PayPal account. You may need to link the account with a different card or verify the card currently linked with your PayPal account. That should minimise the chances of transaction failure.
As the transaction has indeed failed, the Pro features will be automatically disabled shortly. This will not cause streak loss. The Daily Goal streak is not a Pro feature and the Learning Streak will keep adding up whilst you are non-Pro but is only visible for Pro members.
If you rather wouldn’t go via PayPal again, you can opt for the Stripe checkout to sign up via credit/debit card.
This type of subscription is set to be automatically recurring by default, but we can cancel the auto-renewal for you if you like. Just reply here once you have done so or send a message to [email protected] if you would like me to take care of this.

If I update my PayPal details, how do I get Memrise/PayPal to try the transaction again?

I have now updated my payment details, but PayPal says the next attempt to make payment is 30th April 2017, at which point 2 payments will be taken. Please advise me how to proceed.

Lien, Memrise has cancelled my subscription, so I am no longer a pro user. I am able to “Go Pro” again, but the price is now $59 per year, as opposed to the $30 I paid previously, and would have paid if the transaction didn’t fail.

Is there anyway for me to pay the old price? I only really purchased Memrise Pro to support the company, but at $59 per year the Memrise Pro features really aren’t worth purchasing, and I cannot afford to support Memrise to the tune of $60. Hope to hear from you soon.

Hi Vanden,

I have emailed you. I hope my email reached you well?

Let me know if you have any questions!

Best wishes,


I hope someone reads this. My memrise pro is due to expire tomorrow. I don’t want it to auto renew with card I used previously. I want to use a new card. What is the best way for me to update my information and renew manually.


Hi @craiga,

Unfortunately your latest payment was declined and your subscription has been cancelled.

Please feel free to resubscribe using a different payment method either on web or via the app.

I hope this helps.

Happy learning!