Hey guys, i need your help.
I’ve been trying to make a Chinese course for my class I based off the vocabulary of three textbooks (Chinese in Steps 1,2 & 3). I have everything set up in an excel document ready for importing. However, when I do import it Memrise decides not to use my preferred system of Pinyin which is in the Excel document "Nǐ” and uses “Ni3” instead. I have noticed it will do this for every word where it recognises the English e.g “I” it will change to "Ni3“ but “I/Me” it won’t recognise and will leave it as “Nǐ”.
I have wrestled with the course creator for hours, and the only way i can see this working is to go back and screw up the spelling of every single word in the vocab list and then change every single one back once the course is created.
There has to be another way, someone please, for the sake of my sanity help me.