How do I add text definitions?

I started making my first short course today, which was fun for a while but the Definition column only seems to allow you to upload an image whereas I want to add text definitions. Would someone help out a course creation newbie with where she can change the attributes of the column or add a new column with the same attributes as the existing Definitions column?

Your assistance is much appreciated. Thanks!

Hi, @beatskipt!

First you’ll want to head to your course’s database. If you don’t know how to access it, you first need at least two levels in the course. After that, a drop-down menu should appear, as shown here:

You can add and remove columns in this screen. Try clicking “Add Column” around the upper-right of the screen, and it should bring up some options. As you can see here, there are different types of columns, and it sounds like you’re working with one where the “Image” type is checked. You’ll want a “Text” column for definitions, and if you’re planning on using it as either a prompt or answer, you’ll need to leave “As attribute?” unchecked. Attribute columns have other uses, and cannot be tested on.

Once you’ve made the column, you should be able to add whatever info you want, and set the testing direction by clicking the pencil icon in the level editor, just underneath the respective level’s title.

Feel free to ask if you have any other questions! :slight_smile:


Hi @TinyCaterpillar,

I’m new to Memrise and just created a first Spanish course. I imported a list of words (bulk) and now want to add the definitions by importing that list as well. No idea how to do it…When I click on ‘definitions’ the box appears but when I import a list then, it puts all the words in that box and does not create a list. Any idea how to do this? Thanks so much!

You are supposed to Import both, the words and the definitions.
You can’t do a bulk upload separately.

You better create everything first in Excel and then upload everything at once to Memrise.

Hi, @FuentesSpaans. Welcome to Memrise!

Like mikatu says, all of the columns need to be added together when using ‘bulk add’, as the only way to alter the entries after that is to put in the fields one by one. I admittedly don’t use bulk add too often, but it’s worked for me to use a spreadsheet editor (I use OpenOffice), and put the information in columns there, matching up with the database. For example, if ‘Spanish’ comes first in the database, put those in the first column. If ‘English’ comes second, put it in the second column, and so on.

From there, copy everything that you want to use from the spreadsheet, and paste it into the “Bulk Add” screen. Note the options for “Word Delimiter” there. That’s what will space out the columns. If the spreadsheet editor you use works like mine, you’ll want “Tab” selected.

Here’s an example of a batch that I just successfully tried out, using three columns:

It can take a little trial and error to get it right sometimes, but that should be the general idea. Feel free to ask if you have any other questions! :slight_smile:

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Hi TinyCaterpillar, I haven’t had a chance to come back and keep making my course but I just wanted to quickly say thank you for your reply. It’s super helpful and I’m sure that when I do get back here in a few weeks it will have solved my issue.

Thanks again and have a lovely Christmas!

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Glad to help, beatskipt!

Happy holidays! :smile: