How can I search through the words that I learned?

I sometimes see a word that I know I have learned it somewhere in my courses, but unfortunately, memrise doesn’t have the search option in words. Is that really an unimportant feature???

Thanks for your AWESOME app, I just enjoy learning a language…


There is no such feature built into Memrise, unfortunately.

One thing you could do though is use the “site:” command in a Google search to check individual courses. For example, let’s say that I know my “Yotsubato Vocabulary” course has the Japanese word for “strawberry”, but I want to find which level it’s in. A search for “ strawberry” brings up the two levels that contain it.

This method requires you to check courses one by one though, and may not be practical if you’re looking for a word among many different courses. I personally keep spreadsheets of all of the items that are in the vocab courses I take, and it’s a huge help when I encounter such questions, as I only need to do a simple search. It took a while to compile all of them, but I’d say that it was worth it.


Thank you for your response, but I didn’t get your tip completely.:frowning:
I could search the word in Google (for example)???

No worries. Sorry about that. :blush:

Let’s say that I was learning a new Japanese course, and I encountered the word for “strawberry”. I feel like I’ve learned that word already in a previous course, so I can use that search to confirm it. In the example I gave above, the word was previously learned in the “Yotsubato Vocabulary” course, and I already have a hunch that it was in that course, so I search…

“ strawberry”

The part directly following the “site:” command is the url for the course, and everything after the space is the search term, so this would search “” and all of its subpages for the word “strawberry”. Again, this will only search the one course, so if I had three courses that the word might be in, for example, I would need to do three searches, replacing the “/476653/yotsubato-vocabulary/” with the appropriate url for the others.

You could shorten the url to just “” too, but this would search every single course on Memrise, whether you’re learning them or not.



Memrise team please add this feature to each course and per language filter panel.
This feature would be a really great one as it probably is not too difficult to have a global search box scan multiple course databases (per language) for a single word (or phrase).

As most courses are grouped by level (each course with it’s own database), it is quite difficult to report some word/phrase in the forums and course threads for e.g a missing synonym or errors I may have seen for a specific course words review.

I mean I would have to search for the level, where the word was displayed from.
I do of course NOT know the level from within the reviews / watering panel.

Across all my PT1-5 BR, Basic PT BR and DuoLingo PT BR Portuguese courses it also happens that one English translation of a word is doubled (or tripled).
I mean, that a course may teach two Portuguese (synonym or almost identical) words or expressions for the same English word.

Within the review / watering panel, I sometimes get two questions asked (I believe it was from the same course, sometimes it spread across PT courses), for the same English word.

When I try to write down these synonyms to report them here in the community (which I will do later), I better should know the exact course level, so it may be easier to report / find those words - or it does not matter and the course owner (e.g Memrise) or course contributor (user created course, e.g DuoLingo) could search for those words (and it’s contained level) from the course database by themselve.

At the moment I only write the EN - PT + synonyms (or questions/suggestions) down, without any course levels.


Oh, my Goodness!!! :blush::blush::blush:
How did you find this method??!!!:wink::wink:
Thank you so MUUUUUUUCHHHH, I’ll use that till Memrise add search feature HOPEFULLY :slight_smile:

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I picked it up from some other fellow Memrisers on the forums a while back. :grin:

Anyway, happy to help! I’ll be hoping for a built-in search in the future too.

Happy learning! :smile:

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@TinyCaterpillar I just found your reply to an old thread. Thanks for posting this!! Just one question – How do you find the URL for a course? Thanks!

Happy to help! :smile:

I use the website on the pc version, so I just copy and paste the url that displays on the course’s main page (where it lists all of the levels) at the top of the web browser. I haven’t used the app before, so I’m unsure whether the url is displayed anywhere.

If you’re using a phone or tablet, you should be able to find the url by visiting the course’s page on the web browser instead of the app.


TinyCaterpillar, Many thanks for the help. One still has to loop through several levels of the same course, but luckily not through the levels in these courses!