how can I add the chatbots option in the course that I’m creating?
como posso adicionar a opção chatbots no curso que estou criando?
To be honest i have no idea. You may need to have Pro membership i think.
As far as I know, the chatbots are just for the official courses, sorry.
thank you, i will ask to her
Unfortunately, this is not possible. The Chatbot and Grammarbot (and also ‘Meet the natives’) are functions only available to Memrise-course-creators themselves.
thank you friend
i have other question, why the picture that I sent in database ( not mems) dont appear in the app android?
man … I think you know how to read … I know the images appear on the web … I’m talking about the app here … and as you can see in the image, the photo I put in the base date dont appear. I’m not talking about mems image.
hmmm, that must be the image’s url. Should i report this to an Admin
ok, thank you
yeah it is done, in the web it is normal
but in the app no