How are we supposed to communicate with the course creators?

@DW7 ~ I am kind of in the same boat with you. I started jotting down notes of issues I was seeing in courses I was trying out (with creators not yet on this forum) but after a while I just gave up the exercise and decided to just not do it any more. Either the creator will eventually find their way to the forum and allow others to have interaction, or they won’t. And if they don’t, then it won’t really matter what notes we keep, since they won’t do any good.

It’s still relatively early in the change over of forums, but still, looking down the road doesn’t look much different than now. So, I just started abandoning learning any new courses that didn’t look or feel up to par after a cursory learning session. Kind of a sad legacy of things nowadays, I guess.


I’ll keep you @pdao (and others) informed of my progress as mentioned above.

I have just emailed the info@ address with a request for the creator to get in touch with me, offering several options.

PS Edit Most helpful!
I have had a reply and been informed they have kindly contacted the creator to ask them to either contact me (I suggested a PM or to visit my suggested most suitable “[Course Forum]” thread) or consider accepting me as a Contributor.


Did you find any answer to this? Not being able to contact course creators has been a real issue for me. I’ve started just copying courses and adding the changes I need instead.

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Hi @Matt_Mendoza60 I can’t remember which course I was talking about but one where the creator was active has not responded (and I’ve decided to ignore my request) but another where the creator has left, I was made a Contributor by the team.

May I suggest you contact [email protected] with your request (giving as much details as you can).

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This was the best suggestion I saw by @kaimi - but I can’t find which thread it was in:

If someone finds it, please could you show the link to this great image, for context.

Hi @DW7,

It was this one: [Site Feedback] There Is No Point in a New Forum Unless It Is Promoted

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I made an enquiry and they suggested to make forum post to see if the creator responds. But the creator doesn’t seem to be active on Memrise or the new forums. Surely there must be a way to message the creator or send them an email?


You can ask @Lien to send an email to the course creator (you’ll need to post a link to the course) inviting him or her to this forum.


Thanks! As soon as I know which course your enquiry is regarding, I’ll look into contacting its creator.


Found it and emailed the creator. [Course Forum] Minna no Nihongo I


İn the past it was possible to write in the forum of a group if there are some mistakes… how can reach the group admin?
At the moment İ am learning türkish… in many cases there exists 2 or 3 synonym for on german word… the problem is when the synonymes not noticed as synonymes. so in most cases don-t know whıich translation i should take… and it makes oneself angry if you have false positiv result. .
would be nice if there would pop up another textbox in testing modes with the order to write another synonyme instead of noticing it as wrong.

@markus1684, I put your message where your question was already answered.

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I think the best would be to have a flagging system or something similar in place, so the users – not only the forum users, but every single course user – could give a sign that they think something is wrong with a given entry.

That something can be whatever: spelling, wrong translation, missing synonyms as alternative answers, a suggestion for a clarification, etc.

And maybe course creators could check a box if they want to get these flags/tickets by mail (for example daily) but there could also be a separate sheet in the course creator interface for these. It would be a lot more convenient than anything before.


Hi @Lien, could you do the same for me please? I’m trying to contact @yajleejnus about the course ‘Complete Vocabulary Guide to Greek New Testament’. Is there a way of putting us in touch with each other? He’s not on the forums.

Many thanks,


Hello @memrisematty,

I would like to contact the creator of about a small correction. PeCygan is not active on the forums but still occasionally works on the course.

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Lien no longer handles direct user support requests. This is now @MemriseMatty’s responsibility. I didn’t see it announced on the forum itself, but Lien has updated her profile with the following announcement:

“My colleague Matthew (aka MemriseMatty) has taken over all support-related tasks from me. Please make sure to tag @memrisematty for support-related queries.”

Based on her update, we should stop tagging Lien, and start tagging MemriseMatty instead, from now on.


I’m not Matty, but I’d recommend that you say immediately what you want when you tag him - then when he comes he sees what you want from him and doesn’t have to waste time by saying “What’s the matter” and then waiting for you to respond.


Dual is referring to a post replied

Ah, I see. I still think it would be clearer if Matty could read in his notification what the attention is for.

e.g. “Could I get your attention please? There’s a post in this thread that needs a response from you.”

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I saw he was online so I made a quick reply to my post from last month to draw his attention.