
Just wondering what is the significance of the numbers displayed after each word. Eg. wah4, lu4, ie1, nor33, gor33. … don’t really know what those numbers are for.

Could you give a link to the course and add the @ name of the creator. If they’re here on the forums they should get a notification.
@gurm78 see?
If the name doesn’t get highlighted, that means that they’re not here.

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Hi @gurm78 :slight_smile:

I have verified from your learning list that you are taking two Hokkien courses:

These two courses have a “Course Forum”, and both course creators have a forum account (asiaexplorers23 and aveyn, respectively). Then you can contact them on the associated forum.

In one of the “Course Forum” listed, there is an explanation for your question from asiaexplorers23:

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Thank you Mila for the links.
Most helpful

Thanks again

Best regards


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