Hello everyone ! First post here.
First post here, please be indulgent
First of all, thanks to all course creators and to Memrise, this is really nice to learn on various topics with such a user friendly interface and environment.
There is however something I would like to ask :
Would there be a way to hide typing answers suggestions ? Indeed, this may be practical for some foreign language with different keyboards (even though for japanese for instance, I did install a keyboard), but I find it to spoil the answer sometimes… Indeed, when I’m struggling to first learn a very new word, this might help, but sometimes, I know I know the word, and I’m about to try to get it from scratch in my memory, but I unwillingly look at the filling syllabs or words, and I instantly know the answer, before even trying to think…
Is there a way to disable those suggestions ? At least globally ? Or even better, for each course (how I said, it might sometimes be usefull for specific course or at given learning step)
Thanks in advance,
Edit : actually, this is especially true for desktop Memrise, indeed, being able to quickly click tiles for quick revision on mobile is ok and somehow practical (even though you can also type with different software keyboard)
that is an inbuilt app feature and has nothing to do with the individual course creators. I don’t know if one can disable the tapping feature in the app, but in the web version for sure one can; in the web version creators can also disable tapping, but the most (creators) leave it on (leaving the choice tap or not tap to the users)
I’m not exactly sure what you’re describing, but it sounds like maybe you’re talking about the “tapping” test, where is gives you different pieces of the answer and you have to tape them in the correct order. Is that correct? If so, this type of test can be disabled in your profile under the “learning” tab.
Thanks for your answers.
I’m talking about typing tests, where you have something like the following capture, I would like to be able to disable the little tiles that kinda act like tips for me sometimes. (And to answer Hydroptere, I’m not speaking about course creator choice, but when there are typing tests hiding these tiles, without changing the creator testing type choices (tap or type) appearence)
Thank you, this is what I was talking about !
I understand the purpose of it and suspected it to be determined by the creators. And indeed, sometimes it’s usefull when you don’t know how to type a given character or for diacritics and so on…
So if I understand well, this could be done using some userscript… I just discovered (globally new to memrise so discovering everything ^^) them, and installed few of them… but it will require more time to develop my own or find the right one… !
Thanks anyway for actually answering my question !
No problem. Your screenshot made the difference in identifying the issue. I, too, at first thought you were describing ‘tapping tests’.
I don’t think the in-browser keyboard feature is intended to give away the complete answer. For example, I have used it in this course: https://www.memrise.com/course/20690/a-world-geography-with-audio/3/?action=next simply to provide for those few items where diacritics are needed (although the tiles display on every test page).
Until you have a suitable userscript, something like Adblock Plus should do the trick.
I agree.
And it’s sometimes indirectly usefull for japanese for instance where a Kanji may have several readings, so this gives you a hint (course creator could add a precision in the question also but… well I do with what I find this is waaaay better than anything I tried before memrise anyway), but generally speaking, it’s annoying because I’m like "Oh I know this one, it must be… hum… oh yeah, I see, it’s almost written in wrong order just below "
Thanks for the tip, I’ll try with Adblock