Here is a font to display Kanji properly

The default font for memrise is a little hard to read for the Kanji.

I recommend using the Stylish (fixed) font from this link:

Here is a video on youtube showing you how to install/use it. You have to install an add-on to Chrome or Firefox to use it and the video above should help if you need it. I found it very easy to install and use with just a few clicks and it make Kanji show up properly.

Well , there are two type of style one that is written the cursive and typed style. Not quite sure but I think your font style is Round sans (Japanese: 丸ゴシック) is mosty used for road signs. What kind of style to learn ? Well it depends on situation , you surely don’t want to stick with one style. And I always say …“Challange yourself”.

Good job on this. I like it better than the default font for testing.

Out of interest, could you use this font set for Kanji Stroke Order on the website as an optional display font? It might be unusable for most, but I found it to be good to remind me the odd stroke order that doesn’t fall into the normal pattern.

Charles, I’m not sure how to use the fonts you linked. I’m unaware of a way to make a memrise course display a certain font for every user. I think the only way is for each user to use an add-on as I linked above to get the type of font they want to see.

I personally use a normal, readable font like Meiryo for prompting words, and then a handwriting font like Chifont/Chihaya for typing words.

Here: [Userscript] Display kanji stroke order
It seems to work just fine with your RTK courses. Let me know if you have any sugestions.