Creating wrong answers
I want to create courses to help me remember word/letter associations like the NATO phonetic alphabet. The challenge with the course style here offers you alternate answers from the whole list of correct answers. This is fine for many applications (including my judo throw course) but it sucks for something like the NATO alphabet. It’s no test of my memory to say which of these words represents the letter ‘Z’:
a) Alpha b) Foxtrot c) Zulu d) Hotel
As far as I can see, there is no way to upload a bank of incorrect answers for the app to draw from.
Feature request – how many items will need watering in the next day?
This is across all of the courses I’m actively learning. I want to know at a glance whether I have 10 items, or 100, coming up in the next day (or 8 hours, or ideally, make the timespan adjustable), so I can quickly/easily decide whether I have spare capacity to start learning new items.
Currently, I have to browse through every lesson of every course, manually adding up the total.
Akkadian Course
Hi, anyone interested in Akkadian? If so, I would like your feedback.
I struggled with Akkadian at uni, as you need to learn the signs, the syllabic representations, and of course the phonetic element and the language itself. I’ve now done a mockup level of a course teaching Akkadian like Japanese or Chinese, as in integrating the signs, phonetics and translation:
You do need to install Cuneiform fonts:
Inserting appropriate particles in phrases and sentences
Inserting appropriate particles in phrases and sentences. I made this picture above in Photoshop just to show how I think it could look. I apologize if this or something simillar was already suggested.
Having two or three cards for the in the course reviews
I’m surprised Ed Cooke haven’t thought about this as it’s his knowledge originally. Our memory works by connecting different connections to form a conclusion, the more connections the better to remember. Why not have an option where you could include two cards as the momory aid.
For example in Chinese mandarin, you could have a card to momorize the meaning and another card to memorize the pinyin.
Shuffle function?
Maybe this was already mentioned; if yes, sorry.
On some courses, the items go in alphabetical order. I guess while watering them they are shuffled, but I’d still rather learn them mixed up. I wish there was a button that gives the option of shuffling the unplanted items before learning. I understand some things must be learned in order, so the person who makes the course can allow the button to show up.
Audio files in language courses
It is not much use if you know the letters of a word if you cannot say or understand it. It would be really helpful if audio files were always part of language courses.
इंगलिश सीखने की उपयोगी पुस्तक (Useful book for English learning)
पिछले दिनों मुझे सम्पूर्ण इंगलिश ग्रामर (अनुवाद सहित ) लेखक - दयाराम सिंह को पढने का अवसर मिला। इस पुस्तक में अनुवाद एवं ग्रामर को सुन्दर व सरल तरीके से समझाया गया है। यह पुस्तक निश्चित रूप से इंग्लिश सीखने में काफी उपयोगी सिद्ध होगी। इसका लिंक नीचे दे रहा हूँ।
Testing in both directions
I’d like to have the possibility to allow testing in both directions in my course. So I’d have eg. “cat” means “kočka” and Spotify would ask me to write the opposite of “kočka” as well the opposity of “cat”.
Coloured fonts, please!
Memrise is great and getting better. The option to use coloured fonts would be a real plus, enabling marking gender or form or whatever in a really visual and simple way, which is exactly the point of Memrise, to activate visual memory for memorising.
Better Multiple choice
I’ve been using memrise since before it came our of beta and I really like all the changes they have made to get ti to this point. There is one thing that that bug me a little; the MCQ choices.
I love using the MCQ’s, they are great for digesting huge amount of info quickly that don’t require grammer or spelling to be absolutely perfect. But they are not good at providing a challenge experience. The just selected several other random terms/images from the database that they were created in. This is ok for smaller courses, but becomes a real annoyance for 1000+ courses.
For example…
Sentence patterns - a faster way to learn a language.
I recently came across a study that found the reason why some people find it easier to pick up a second language than others is related to the ability to learn patterns and identify statistical regularities rather than based off linguistic abilities.
I find from personal experience this is true, for example just knowing a few phrases when I get to a new country, makes a lot of things easier. I know there are many elements to learning a language, but I find patterns very helpful in language acquisition.
I’ve started a course following this concept here:
What is your input on this? Feedback is welcome.
Just started - here are my thoughts…
Hi. I like the idea and look of the site. However, I have found a few things that seem to need attention: 1 - Some things I put in, I know are right, but perhaps not what has been learnt on here so far - for example ‘you are - = eres/tu eres, but won’t accept es’, ‘he is = el es, but won’t accept es’ 2 - if you hit the wrong button or change your mind, I don’t see a way of changing. 3 - There doesn’t seem to be anywhere to make a comment on a mistake 4 - The sound quality is not that brilliant 5 - I can’t work out how to plant things and decide what I want to water - I seemed to have to water everything, but don’t know how that happened - am I just being thick?
Keep up the good work
Feature request - speech synthesis
integrated speech synthesis for words. Not everyone has a mac so they can take advantage of Eunoia’s wonderful Uprise Database tool.
Posted by DarthJen 4/28/14 , last update 5/7/14 (2 years ago) 12
for example, Quizlet, a competitor, has its own speech synthesizer :
Duolingo as well.
Hi Niahm,
I had a little free time, so I made you a chrome extension to block all those disgusting mandarin voices:).
Remove need for accent marks in course answers
While trying to learn conversational Spanish I have taken a couple of courses and get very frustrated when my answers are marked incorrect because I have forgotten an accent mark; is there an option to turn off accent checking? I can see the need for the accuracy in written Spanish, but this isn’t what I’m interested in.
Quick help with Italian translation!
Hello! I have started an Italian course containing the 1000 most frequent words in Italian conversation. I need translations for the Italian into English. If you have a good understanding of Italian, you can help!
If you’re interested in helping, leave a comment and I will add you to the contributors.
Some of the Italian already has an English definition (automatically filled from previous Memrise courses).
The import feature
Is there a way to have import from excel to a course ? It will permit to have interpolation with other software like “learning with texts” or create courses based on frequency lists.
Thank you for reading.
Please help: special characters Polish
I want to create my personal list of Polish vocabulary and can’t find instructions how to put in the special characters. Thanks for suggestions. erifi
Mem Selection +1
If I select someone elses mem picture it should automatically +1 it! I don’t have time to +1 it then select it phhht.
Computer languages
I’d love to see more programming and web languages in here - like C# Java, ASP, SQL.
Posted by shannon.dybvig 1/27/13 , last update 4/8/14 (2 years ago) 8
Posted by duz32 1/31/13 (3 years ago)
I’m not sure memrise is the best format for this. If you mean just key words and syntax - that still won’t make you a programmer. If you mean concepts - global vs local, objects - again - I’m not sure how well it could be implemented on this site. I would recommend just doing a search online ,getting a compiler and just fooling around. There are some nice tutorials out there.
Course Glossary
I would like a course to have a link to its own Glossary, listing all words/ terms from Levels completed so far, in alphabetical order.
This would give a strong sense of achievement, and would be useful for looking up words when working on something outside the course.
This would be best displayed like the Preview display for course creators, only more compactly so as to be able to scan a lot of words + definitions quickly. A quick scan through before sleeping helps a great deal. At the momnet I keep a Glossary in a text document which means I have to keep typing the words into my Glossary from each level I complete.
We need a search engine for both forums!
where are the mems?
What am I doing wrong? I created a course to learn the 214 Chinese Radicals but with the Vietnamese (Han-Viet) pronunciations (a little obscure, but I live in a Vietnamese community so, well, it seems normal here)
I have been experimenting with different column configuration in my database using Uprise, which is cool. But in the process I deleted all my watered plants etc. (I know, I know, it says that’ll happen when you delete columns, but there’s no other way to re-order columns than to create copies where you want them and delete the earlier ones)
Learning Spanish
I just finished minimal viable Spanish. Where do I go from here? Memrise has so many courses that I am unsure which one offers the next advanced stage? Any feedback from other users would be appreciated. Thanks!
It would be helpful if,on courses which don’t have strict typing, it showed you the accents on the word after you type it in correctly without them. Then, even if you don’t want to bother with accents, you could at least see where they are immediately. At the moment it just shows you what you’ve typed if you get the correct letters.
Contributor Needed!!!
I am creating the ULTIMATE world geography course with mapping, flags, capitals, rivers, etc. However, I am not very experienced in the field of uploading blank maps to Memrise. If you can help me I will add you as a contributor!
Memrise product
Hi there
I know this might silly for most of you but… Could anyone explain how is this memrise product profitable for their staff if it is for free? I mean no ads no payment… Where’s the business?
More Time
I want to create a course based on sentences in Hindi but there is no way that people will be able to type the entire sentence with the screen-based keyboard before the timer runs out.
Why aren’t we able to manually set the amount of time on the timer?
Incorrect or alternative definitions
I’m finding it difficult to handle incorrect or alternative definitions. It applies when you already know some of the language.
For example if I know a word already, but either the definition on the memrise course is wrong! (this does happen); or I’m used to using an alternative definition which is perfectly correct, but not listed. It shouldn’t be necessary for me to be forced to type in the wrong answer, or use an alternative I don’t find useful. It’s very difficult to remember every time a word comes up that THIS course uses a definition I never use elsewhere. Worse if it’s wrong!
Japanese Characters Script (Site vs App)
I’ve just started using Memrise properly to study Japanese, mostly aided by the new mobile app (awesome thanks!). I’m having a tough time switching between the two though as the website uses quite an artistic flowing script-like font for the Japanese characters which makes it much harder for a beginner to read when compared with the standard easy to read non-stylised print font used in the mobile app.
Universal Romaji Input
I don’t want to be told I’m wrong because of my romaji input.
I don’t even like romaji, i just use it when I’m on a machine without an IME installed.
I think it would be good if course creators didn’t have all the controll when it comes to acceptable the answers/romanization system.
Reverse words and definitions
After a level has been fully completed and all of the words have been ‘learnt’ the ability to flip what you’re asked and the answer around would be very helpful, especially when learning a language that uses a different writing system. For me it’s easy enough to think that “Difficult” is むずかしい in Japanese but if I hear or read むずかしい somewhere my brain explodes and doesn’t really translate very well.
I realised this a while ago and started setting up my own Anki flashcards to revise going from Japanese to English (or the other way around, depending on the course) and now I don’t need to revise that way any more, but I still think it’d be a helpful feature to have available.
A bigger forum
I feel memrise would do well if it had an actual forum. A good motivating factor would be a community, and these forums make it nearly impossible. Have there ever been ideas of creating a normal chat board?
Highlight words you got wrong after a test
Currently after a testing session memrise shows you all the mems for the words tested. This can be quite long and the stuff you want to learn is hidden amongst lots of mems for words you already know.
It would be more useful and easier to learn if you highlighted the words that we got wrong (or put them at the top, or even just showed those words). It would also be really useful if you also listed the words that we got wrong even if they don’t have a mem, with a link to create a mem at that stage. I often just want to get on with testing in testing mode rather than interrupt my flow to create a mem.
Bulk delete
…You can bulk add, but not bulk delete. Right now I’m thinning out my course levels so that instead of 50 entries, each level has 25. This means I duplicate the level and then click over and over again, deleting entries one-by-one to get both levels down so they each have half. It’d be a lot faster if some sort of “select then bulk delete” was an option.
Vocab to print - option ( for ex. able to download from the site in .pdf )
In my opinion the option to print the vocabulary from the certain level would be a great idea. We wouldn’t have to have an access to internet or device with application and there is also no wasting time for making handwritten notes, if we want to revise what we’ve learnt. Fast, simple, not timeconsuming and still very useful.
5000 (or higher) most frequent words for all languages
It would be really useful to have more “meaty” most-frequent word courses for all of the languages. Some of the languages have these, but a lot of them don’t. Those large MFU word lists really give you a better bang for your buck in terms of fluency/comprehension in the target language.
Points per item
Is there a way to find the average points per item for the whole memrise or even for a particular course list? It seems to me that this number indicates how well you have mastered your current list of items and compared to the average could indicate whether you go too fast or too slow in learning new items vs reviewing the old ones. For example is there a way to find what would be a good ratio for someone learning 30 items a day? Mine currently is 870 points per item. What’s yours?
I’m driven demented by hyphens. There’s just no consistency between the courses - and sometimes no consistency within a single course.
Top of my memrise wishlist is a learner controled option to ignore all hyphens… Anything typed with-a-hyphen, or without a hyphen, would be accepted as correct.
It’s just too much work to remember which mems use hyphens correctly or incorrectly. Most noticeable, or most problematic I think, with trivia based courses rather than language based courses.
“Mark as correct” button
I’m learning colloquial Arabic right now, which doesn’t have any official type of spelling. It’s really just a spoken language, not a written one. The audio portion of my courses are more important than the actual spelling, but unfortunately inconsistencies in spelling are highly prevalent with even native speakers.
It would be extremely useful to have a “correct” button that would override an incorrect answer, especially in the cases of spoken dialects.
I’m getting really tired of overwatering phrases because I used one type of spelling, vs. another perfectly acceptable type.
Korean courses
I’ve studied Korean for a while now, and need some input with regards to new courses. So please let me know your thoughts on this.
I have now completed a lot of nice vocabulary courses like:
Mini Games to remember words
Hello. I propose we could have some Flash Mini Games to help remembering the words. It would be very fun and would help a lot.
I know how to make games in Flash, so I know it’s possible and not so hard to do, it could merge with watering to give points per level of the mini-game.
Master personal dictionary
I’m not sure if this is possible, but it would be great if Memrise was able to go through my decks and see common words and auto-ignore words from other decks where there are duplicates. Also, it would enable mistakes in decks to be detected for creators when a word wasn’t part of a dictionary. It could well be that this is a current feature, but that I’m learning Norwegian which doesn’t have an overarching dictionary.
multilingual learning cards
I wonder if it is possible to have multilingual learning card, like card with korean, chinese, japanese, german, english in the same course. To learn in same time several languages.
Adding notes to words.
Hi! I struggle to learn Korean. This is quite interesting, but one thing that keep bothers me is: Similar words!
I would like to see the possibility to at a personal note to words. The notes could also be shared like the memes. This will certainly help when words are a bit ill defined, or similar to each other. (This feature could of course also be used for cheating. But why bother using memrise then?)
Consider for instance this list: Korean Definition (what my hint would/could be) 특히 especially, particularly (not 특히) 별로 Especially, particularly (used in a negative sense “not in particular”) 신청서 application (a written application) 작용 application (a function, an effect, an operation) 반납하다 to return (to return something) 동아가다 to return (to return somewhere)
Although these are from different courses, but they show up together when I water everything. And it is a pain in the neck. The best way to fix this would of course be to get the course creator to update, but that can be difficult sometimes. Maybe users could vote the for the notes to be included in the definition?
Offline Memrise program for PC?
It would be nice to have Memrise installed on my computer. There’s already an App for Android that goes offline… Would it be possible for PC?? I don’t usually have internet home… I know there’s Android simulators out there (YouWave, BlueStacks…) but I have a notebook and it isn’t fast enough to install such big programs.
Offline Memrise program for PC?
It would be nice to have Memrise installed on my computer. There’s already an App for Android that goes offline… (thank you very much!!) Would it be possible for PC?? I don’t usually have internet home… I know there’s Android simulators out there (YouWave, BlueStacks…) but I have a notebook and it isn’t fast enough to install such big programs
Course Creation Feature Suggestion
I think it would make creating courses with pictures much easier if the system of adding pictures to mems was implemented in course creation. With mems, you are automatically redirected to a search window where you simply choose what picture you want to accompany your mem. However, with course creation, if you want to add pictures, you have to search for the picture independently, download it, and then choose it for you course, which can become quite tedious and time-consuming. I believe that if the search and choose method were implemented into course creation, creation would be much more streamlined with courses with pictures, and many text courses could be easily enhanced with pictures to improve them.
Dictation Course
Someone ever thought of making a dictation course for listening-training? You think this would work on memrise?
Language courses - could they be turned to practice the opposite way?
I’ve been busy learning Italian and when planting you have to translate English to Italian and Italian to English. However when watering it is just English to Italian. Great for doing that when you want to translate your home language but I have often come across Italian words and thought I’ve heard of them but can’t bring the translations to mind because I’ve not practised them that way. I would like to see either complimentary courses with a complete reversal of the words. Would that be easy to do technically as all the words have already been uploaded? Or for it to be built into the watering in the original courses. I think it would be really helpful.
Esperanto in Create a Cours: For EO speakers
The Esperanto speakers are really fond of languages. Memrise would be nice for our language community. I know I can choose Esperanto is in category, in constructed languages, but I don’t want to teach Esperanto. I want to teach for example Spanish “For | Esperanto | speakers”.
Allow learner to choose testing style
Another request/recommendation: Could the team consider letting the learner, rather than the course creator, select the learning/testing style. So enabling them to choose: 1) How many words to be tested in one sitting 2) Whether they’re tested on word, definition, pronunciation or all three 3) What elements of the dictionary are shown (particularly important for Chinese Mandarin where there are so many words with the same ‘main’ meaning but different secondary meanings e.g. to do 做,作,弄)