Help? I restarted a course online, and my phone app won't update

Hi, I know this has been addressed elsewhere, but I restarted my A1 Spanish course online, but it is NOT reflected in the app. I haven’t used Memrise for a year, so I need to refresh. I tried all the suggestions–logging in, logging out–both online and in the app. I even deleted the app and reinstalled it, and NOTHING is working! I want to be able to practice when I’m places without my laptop, and I can’t do that if the app won’t sync with what I’m doing on the web. I paid for PRO, so…I’ll be kind of choked it this doesn’t work pretty soon.


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I would like to do the same thing as I have restarted one of my Swedish courses on the web version and now I want to do the same on the app.

The only option I can see on my phone that seems relevant is the one that says “delete course”. But I don’t want to delete the course, I want to restart it.

I am a course contributor for this course and I am worried that I will actually end up deleting the database for the course or something drastic like that.

Can you tell me if “deleting” the course is what I need to do?

And that the “delete” in this case only means to remove it from my list of courses, so that I can restart it?

What is the procedure? Will I have to uninstall the app and then reinstall it?


Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for getting in touch.

@Gillian_Gb6 Sorry for the delay in replying. We are aware of this issue with some devices and we’re working to have this fixed. Could you please confirm which device and OS this occurs with?

In the meanwhile, we would advise you to start learning our brand new Spanish (Spain) courses instead, which you can find below :slight_smile:

@amanda-norrsken If you have restarted your course on web, this should be automatically updated in the app as well. If it didn’t, please try logging out and in again. If the issue persists, please let us know your device and OS.

Please rest assured that deleting (i.e. quitting) a course from your list on mobile will not erase any of your progress nor delete the course and its database(s). :point_down:

What is the difference between quitting and restarting a course?

  • Quitting a course will not erase your learning history, you can always go back to the course and continue learning where you left off. Quitting only means it will be taken off your course list in the dashboard.

  • Restarting a course will effectively wipe all learning history in that course. This means if you ever want to learn that course again, you will have to start from scratch.

Currently you can only reset your progress in a level or a course via the Memrise website (you cannot do this within the app).


Memrise team.

Any doubts or questions?

Help page :point_right:


Thanks very much for getting back to us both, my mind has been put at rest. I just logged in and logged out and now the app and web versions are synced properly. It took a matter of seconds, so that was nice and painless :smiley:

And that is good to know about the “deleting” of a course, that it is not actually deleting any databases or anything!

Hi there. I use iOS app and I have the same problem. Please help

Same problem. I don’t want to remove the course, I just want to restart it as I haven’t touched it in a long time and need to go back and catch up.

Did you ever develop a fix for this problem?