HELP: German Level 4: First Contact Mission

I am having a lot of trouble finding to correct answer mid-way into German Level 4: First Contact Mission.

When it comes to after having the beer with the character, he seems to ask if I want something to eat. I have tried every reply I can think of with the reoccurring answer selection that shows up.
“Nein” - leads to being rude and ends the mission
"Ich bin Krank" or “ich bin müde” leads to the little guy saying it’s not good to be sick or tired and be drinking, to which the answers are limited as well. “Du bist Recht” or “Okay” as answers eventually lead to the mission ending any way.

I am so lost!
Please help!!!

Nein, danke, ich habe keinen Hunger!

I have reached level 5 but I did not have any chat except the one where I am asked questions about myself.

Is that normal?