[help] beginner learning hiragana. seeing hiragana that i cant type

installed the english to japanese ime thing. ive noticed with some words, for instance “cheers!” or “kampai!” it wants some sort of hiragana that my keyboard isnt creating.

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Try typing it as kaNpai.

it still doesnt seem to be working.

when i type it, it looks like this: かんぱい!

but what it wants is this, which i copy and pasted: 乾杯!

Huh weird, you should’ve been prompted. Try pressing space after you write them; you should get a list of kanji suggestions.
(Note: I’m referring to the Microsoft IME, but the others are most likely similar in that aspect)

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I started the same course a few days ago and this very same question was on my mind. In the beginning I was learning hiragana, but all of a sudden there was this characters I’ve never seen:

Is this some kind of hiragana? Or is it kanji? If it is kanji or katakana, why th app didn’t notice me about what it is?
I’m really confused, so I’ll be glad if someone can explain it.
Thanks :slight_smile:

To second what RyouBakura said, when typing a word in hiragana to turn it into it’s katakana or kanji version push the space bar and keep pushing the space bar until you get to the version you are looking for. But as said that is for the Microsoft IME.
It took me awhile to get the hang of all of that, but once you get the hang of it it gets easier.

Oh, if you are a beginner though, I’d say to avoid the kanji for now until you’ve learnt a decent amount of vocab in it’s hiragana/katakana forms so you know how to pronounce the words properly. :slight_smile:

@NizCeku That is the Kanji version of the same word for cheers. Generally it is best to learn as much vocab in hiragana/katakana first and then learn the kanji versions once you know words really well.