Hello to the whole Memrise community

As I have just joined the forum I want to greet everyone. My name is Krzysztof or Christopher in English if you prefer. :slight_smile: I’ve found Memrise pretty addictive so probably I’ll make longer stay here what leads me to the conclusion it would be great to find some forum friends here as well. I am learning Spanish here as well as I have started my adventure with Greek a month ago or so. So if anyone wants to share experience, support each other in everyday’s learning or just have a chat about topics related to Spanish and/or Greek I will be more than happy to get your message. Also if anyone needs support regarding Polish I am glad to help. This is my native language so do not hesitate to get in touch in case of any questions. Well, enough for the first time I guess, once again I am happy I’ve joined this community. :grinning: :wink:
Regards, Krzysztof.


Hi Krzysztof

Co tam u ciebie?

As it happens I am also learning Spanish but also - you guessed it - Polish.

Welcome to Memrise. I think it’s working well for me with 15-20 minutes per day on each language. I’ve been going on Spanish for 36 days and Polish for 23 so far. A very long way to go on both though! :grinning:

Buena suerte.



Hi Paul
Thanks for replying my post. Well, let’s try it out how Memrise works in supporting each other. I will create group with the Spanish courses I did or doing right now and invite you. Never done it before so I believe we will be able to track each other’s progress and see some stats. Let’s try it out anyway.
As for learning Polish - well, I’m impressed you have decided to start it. Polish is damn hard language to learn. What was the reason of such choice? :smiley:
If you have any question related to this, you need any support just let me know.

Dziękuję, Krzysztof

I agree Polish is hard to learn but for a 50-something what isn’t? :grinning: I’m also trying to learn to play guitar and that seems much harder! :upside_down_face:

My reason - apart from just wanting to better myself - is largely that my company have employed a few Polish people over the years and there’s one lady now in my department who speaks excellent English but has such an out-going personality that I know she’s finding working from home really tough and I thought I’d like to do something to cheer her up a little!


Welcome to the forum Krzysztof. You’ll find a lot of Memrise addicts here! I must tell you your English is exceptional! Best wishes.


Hi Christopher!

Welcome to Memrise. My name is Chidera. I’m learning Spanish. Almost two years on and off lol. I’ve love to be in your group if you don’t mind and help each other with Spanish. By the way, are you learning Mexican or Castilian?

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