Haven't signed on in two years. Is it worth coming back?

I haven’t used this site in forever. I just reset all my courses and quit. What’s that purple ziggy thing? Can I reset my points in a course? I’m still number 2 on a leader board after almost 3 years offline. I guess that means not a lot of people use that course or I was really bad at it? Reading through the forum it seems like a lot of people aren’t happy with the current direction of the site. Just wandering is it still useful?

To keep it short: is it still useful?

Even after all that happened, the fact that the people who are disliking the direction taken by the site are still replying on it, is proof of that.
But whether YOU find it useful or not is up to what you seek. If you need a site to help you memorize words and phrases and contains some courses made people that will help you do so… then yes, I assume this site should be useful.


The posts you see here are quite possibly not representative of the 35 million active users.

The Ziggy thing seems like a mistake, but it hasn’t actually gotten in the way of anyone’s learning. It’s a marketing thing that’s supposed to psychologically encourage new app users to buy the pro version.

If you quit 3 years ago and haven’t used Memrise since, you are probably not a very motivated learner. If that is still the case, it will be easy for you to find excuses as to why Memrise isn’t working for you.

If you are a motivated learner who was just too busy for awhile, you are likely to be delighted at the features Memrise has added.


Yes, still useful. Some of my courses nobody uses, sometimes because there are many for the same book or it’s too specific. Anyway, some user created courses have 10k+ learners. Isn’t that great? And Memrise is still a very good platform for retaining vocab.


I didn’t quit because I wasn’t motivated or it wasn’t working. It was working fine I wasn’t making excuses. You don’t have to insult people. My dad got sick and I didn’t have time. I still used iknow daily because it was less time consuming. I like to finish a book every 5 days no matter the length. I was probably in too many courses at once. It took almost 5 hours daily to just to finish the daily review of all my courses. So any my dad had surgey finished physical therapy and I have more time now.


Yes, memrise is still useful.

I have used memrise for learning Swedish, which I started 4 years ago, and more recently I started learning Dutch. I haven’t used the courses created by memrise much, as I prefer the courses based on frequency databases, learning the most common words first and so on.

This has been enough for me (although I already knew German and English well, as well as French quite well, which gave me a huge headstart with both Swedish and Dutch) to now be able to read fiction in Swedish without problems and to read Dutch so that I can follow the basic gist of the story.


Wanting to learn French (English is my native). Absolute beginner. Is it worth buying a lifetime licence for US$129, or just the half price first year (US$30 first year, then US$60 per year)? I mean how long would you stick to, or need Memrise to reasonably learn French? I realise a lot depends on the user and how much time you devote to it.

The lifetime licence is more cost effective if you spend more than 2.6 years in Memrise. Does anyone do that?

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Wait until you get a 50% offer, that they sometimes throw at you (I think mostly on the web). The life-time is certainly worth it, if you are planning to be in here for the long run. I am because I want to keep some language up and improving over the coming 5-10 years.

There is one catch though: the life-time subscription is for something like 99 year or until the ‘service’ ceases - whichever comes first… so hopefully Memrise will exist for another 2.6 years… and I think they will.

Now, you do mean 50% off the lifetime licence, not just the 50% off the first year (which they offer immediately)? If you mean the lifetime, did you get that offer while paid, or on the free membership?

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Memrise is still worth it. They’ve made a few dumb decisions such as removing the ability to select a user created course if you’re on the app(must be added in web browser), and remove the individual forums each course had, remove global leaderboard, etc. These I don’t think have a serious impact on ones ability to learn, which is why i’m still here.

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What an understatement.