Has there been a change in the way memrise treats commas?

@DW7, you can recognize a post that is a wiki by the green pencil at the top-right of the post. Clicking that pencil allows anyone to edit that post.

Leaders can make a post a wiki by clicking on the “…” at the bottom of a post and then on the wrench and then clicking “Make Wiki.” Perhaps regulars can do this too.

I’ve made a few posts wikis in the past. I’ve then usually added [wiki] to the topic title and added the “wiki” tag, see Posting Guidelines and Forum Housekeeping -- a How To for Memrise staff, regulars, leaders, and members


Many thanks @Arete_Hime.

I see “How tos” are in the “Community Hub” then "Memrise How To’s " area.

Interesting, I have searched for “how to” but had NO results returned!

Search criteria too short. One more word makes all the difference. :slight_smile:

Thanks, but interesting "[How to]" still doesn’t but “Course Forum” and “[Course Forum]” does give results.

Perhaps it’s number of characters?

PS Searching for “Wiki” also gives results! (That’s very short)
(Perhaps it’s because it’s four characters long?)

The comma change has really messed up one of my big courses, and was the final frustrating straw that made me stop using Memrise for a few months - yes Memrise you finally broke me! I’m coming crawling back (need a review of vocab.) but this thread has got too long to read, so I apologise to all that have posted.

I assume that Memrise hasn’t helped/responding in any meaningful way.

Is there a fix/way to change all the items that are in a database ‘‘masculine, feminine’’ that allows the answer of either to be accepted once again?

I would like my course to be usable again without having to type out ‘‘masculine feminine’’ every sodding time.

happy face, grinding teeth



For more information check out:

There is also a userscript to help changing the commas:


@demaxski, thanks for the info. :slight_smile:

As I expected really - changes by Memrise made with no thought further than their aim for the day and to hell with the consequences for everyone.

I’ll keep an eye on the userscript, I’m not brave enough to use it on my course yet!

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Just FYI, I’ve ran the UserScript on several courses now without issue, and at least one other user has, too. (Although I can understand hour hesitation :slight_smile:) I think it should be safe to run, as long as, for example, the course doesn’t include sentences.

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I think this thread (& my reading of 3/4 of it) has proven more effective in destroying more brain cells than all of the drinking I have done last 10 years. Who could have thunk it, that commas versus semicolons (and any other basic symbols) could be so complicated.

Who would have likewise thought that for a language related teaching aid, being able to have “phrases”, “strings of words”, “multiple words containing spaces as a single unit”, would be impossible to make use of, without them being jumbled up in tapping tests.

Who would have thought database columns (after the 3rd for audio) would have been for almost every circumstance, completely useless, and when they default to “Plurals & Inflected Forms” one couldn’t just as easily test that against the first column value without having to create an entirely different level, effectively repeated? When do I want to learn a gender of a noun & its plural form, or the past participle of a verb & its associated helping verb? Right then, on first or second exposure… at the time its “translation” is being drilled into my head through repetition & delayed reviewed.

Who would have likewise thought, a course creator would be unable to provide close but wrong answers, in contrast to a random “wrong answer” generator… which seems to only provide some learning value when a level has two similar words (but has not clarified which is intended) and it enrages users getting a “right, but wrong” answer.

What I have learned, over the past 3-4 months on Memrise… other than vocabulary, Memrise is very ill suited for teaching German; declensions, tenses, cases, conjugations, word order, parts of speech, grammar rules, etc. Maybe it is better for less complicated languages???

Something as simple, however extremely important in German such as testing for the Dativ case of a masculine noun with an adjective & an article is simply impossible. There is no way to ensure der, den & dem are possible articles, -er, -es, -en, -em are available for the adjective endings or that even “der blauer Ball”, “dem blaues Ball” or “dem blaue Ball” are possible correct answers… and to be honest, I don’t even know if one of those is actually correct, as the best Memrise was able to test me was on what word order was correct or obviously different word types, not learning the rule itself.

It’s pretty clear why I have been unable to find courses here that can teach me what I’m looking to learn, going so far as attempting to create them myself… it is not possible to do these basic, necessary functions to learn German.

Memrise has become of a bit of an addiction for me, an easier substitute to other forms of learning (as it takes away, or provides a source of motivation thinking one is learning something), when in reality it has been little more than empty calories, a junk food drive up fast food restaurant of language learning. What I think it has best prepared me for is a German Spelling Bee, I don’t need to know its meaning or uses, but I can spell it pretty damn right every time whatever it is. :expressionless:

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it is not very clear how do you want to learn, or maybe your ideas about what an app/ web software can for 0 money can teach you are not very clear

however, it seems you want to learn cases. Then search for such courses.
I found this : https://www.memrise.com/courses/english/german-2/?q=cases

I’m actually a paying user, but if I have read this thread (and all its gripes) correctly, the Memrise crew itself is turning the app into a language learning program with its supported official courses, and doing so at the expense of all the community created courses that function/operate better as word-translation flash cards. The latter (flash cards) is what operated well prior, but has been compromised (become unsupported) as the official courses move to sentences & jumbled words to teach grammar vis-a-vis language/sentence examples. And that’s my point, the tools or setup as Memrise is, function extremely poorly in doing such.

If I want to learn the proper declined article, adjective for a noun (of nom, dat, Akkus case) in a sentence, then only have the choice to select a completely & obviously wrong noun, adjective, adverb, preposition, helps me not to learn such theme or rule.

A quick example might be, there needs to be a fill in the blank type option of a formatted/fixed sentence, where the blank is the answer desired. But one can’t have a ‘blank’ and one cannot have a grouping of words for that matter either if one wanted to build a sentence composed of sub parts (more than one word).

Maybe German is just too complicated a language for Memrise.

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I believe all of that is possible, but you need to invest a lot of time to create the course that suits you.

The problem here is that Memrise is changing things around without worrying with the users’ opinions and even going as far as to lie about it. With the commas they told us for more than a month it was a bug and then without any proper official statement they said on a discussion it was on purpose… making the users change all the courses they had created just to fit their own requirement.

Lets face it, memrise sucks a lot of time our time, and while we can profit for a while, the best option to learn is to go away from memrise and use the language in the real world, read a book, watch a movie, talk with someone via Skype, etc… memrise is not all that good if you compare the time you spend here with the learning you get from it.


Am I missing a basic feature/function of Memrise course creation?

This what I would like to do, by example and within a tapping test format…

This is a multi word answer = This is a multi word phrase #1 + This is a multi word phrase #2 + This is a multi word phrase #3

Before the = should not word jumble
This is a multi word phrase #1 should not word jumble
This is a multi word phrase #2 should not word jumble
This is a multi word phrase #3 should not word jumble

The only way I have seen to not jumble words is with _ For example, This_is_a_multi_word_phrase_#1

Everything I have seen or read so far tells me , or ; or tabs separated ‘words’ into database columns.

Spaces, ; , + etc within database text fields breaks up whatever is contained into distinct ‘words’ to be jumbled.

Is there any symbol or character that can ‘lock’ words together, but are not showed themselves other than as spaces?

It’s amazing how many posts there are to this topic, mainly containing useless “me too” comments and no answers. So, here’s the answer folks … (drum roll please) … use forward slash ("/" delimiters to separate “either or” answers" If you enter the answer as

strong / mighty

either one will be accepted.

Ron Grimes

ummmm… sorry, that does no such thing. Although I wish it would.

i ran the following tests
testing = right/wrong
testing 1 = right1 / wrong1

and under neither direction of testing did it ever allow for only one of the words to be answered correctly

the only “optional” item that can be left out is “/” from tapping tests, which is the same for commas, semicolons, brackets [ ], and underscore “_” - as all these symbols generate their own “word box” in tapping tests. They can’t be left out of spelling tests either.

what does appear to hold is the “-” without generating its own “word box” or splitting a word… ie “stell-en” —> stays together, not generating “stell” & “en” in tapping tests.

Ummmm … sorry, but it works for me. Just tested it. It accepts either or answers if you type it as in your example:

testing 1 = right1 / wrong1

I use this pervasively in my Hebrew course and it works without fail.


you might want to add to your drum roll… Strict Typing has to be turned off. It was the only way I could get an “either or” test to work on App or web

To make things clear:

These are all the separators that should work and how they work:


All sites have server issues from time to time. It is not unusual for a site to go down!

There should be gaps between comma and next word…