Has there been a change in the way memrise treats commas?

Yeah, I can only really speak for his HSK 6 course at this point, but I think it’s been abandoned for a long time now (even before the forum migration).

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Okay. Would you be interested in being added as a course contributor to it? If you have access to the course, I have a userscript that you should be able to run and automatically fix the comma issue.

Ben made a HSK 6 course? I thought he made some only level 5…

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Have there been any announcements/fixes to this problem, or are the devs still adamant that this isn’t a terrible thing? I haven’t been using memrise lately other than to review old courses (most of my old courses don’t use commas now, because I reported them to one of the guys managing most of them).

I’d really like to start on a new course, but with the amount of commas in most of the courses that I haven’t already completed, it’s not really an option for me. I’ve been using memrise for about 4 years now, and it’s gotten me from 0 knowledge of Chinese, all the way to HSK 5. I don’t want to have to give up using it since I really love the site, but if it never gets fixed, I’m going to have to just quit…

well, your only solution is to take courses with still active creators and contributors… check the “Chinese” part of the fora… you’ll see that, for HSK6 for ex, drewssp, matteogiuseppe and some others recently made courses which dealt with the comma issue (many thanks to them, for their work!)

Hi @Danny1, please see here for more explanation.

If there are some courses that you want to work on on that haven’t been converted from using commas to using semicolons, you could ask Lien to make you a contributor on those courses and then run the userscript that automatically converts commas to semicolons.

Oh Lord. I imagine this was a diplomatic way of pointing out that I’d made a big mistake! You’re absolutely right. The HSK 6 course I’m referring to was not made by Ben. Very sorry for that!

Much appreciated! As @Hydroptere pointed out, it was not actually a course created by Ben (I’m very sorry for my error).

If I was added as a CC to the course, I feel I would only be qualified to run the userscript to fix the comma issue. I wouldn’t feel comfortable making any other changes without executive approval.

@mportegg Well, I think the other users would probably still be grateful for you just fixing the commas :slight_smile:

If you’d like to be added as a contributor, just send a PM to Lien.

To the dev staff : instead of breaking most of the existing courses for the few that use sentences, why don’t you make a specific option for the ones who need to use sentences ?
I mean I understand the reason why it was modified, but when the modification brings more problems than fixes, is it truly the right way to go ?
Isn’t there a more simple way than having to manually modify thousands of preexisting courses for the few that were broken ?

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You won’t get an answer regarding this issue, as it would only be: “We don’t care at all.” or “Well, maybe we could have thought about that in the first place”.

So let’s be happy that there are enough people who are willingly to maintain their courses even under such ridiculous conditions.

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Unfortunately, Memrise only cases about Memrise’s courses.
Everything else can be messed up completely that they do not give a damn.

That is the harsh reality… That is why I cancelled by premium account.
If they have done the changes in good faith, they would have changed all the courses themselves, instead of forcing the users to do it on their own.

I dedicated thousand of hours to my course, currently with more than 6000 words, that I can no longer use…

Hi @mikatu, I’ve posted a script that automates the process for you. You just need to install the script, go to the correct page, and then run it.

@Arete_Hime, would you be okay with turning this topic into a wiki? I feel like it would be good to modify the original post to give people a summary of the issue, the response from the Memrise team, and what the available solutions are.

As it is, a lot of information is buried in all the replies to this topic.

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That should be @demaxski’s (the OP) decision I think. I’ve been so forward to change it anyway. If they want it changed back they can let me know.


I’m not sure I follow you there. Are you saying you’re fine with changing it, and then if the OP wants it changed back, you’d reverse the changes?

Yes, I have made the post a wiki, and if the OP wants it reverted back to a normal post, I would do that.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Hi [quote=“Arete_Hime, post:348, topic:6145”]
Yes, I have made the post a wiki,

Where does one find “wikis”? Is that the same as “How tos”?

I don’t think we have a heading called "How to . . . ". Do we?

@DW7, you can recognize a post that is a wiki by the green pencil at the top-right of the post. Clicking that pencil allows anyone to edit that post.

Leaders can make a post a wiki by clicking on the “…” at the bottom of a post and then on the wrench and then clicking “Make Wiki.” Perhaps regulars can do this too.

I’ve made a few posts wikis in the past. I’ve then usually added [wiki] to the topic title and added the “wiki” tag, see Posting Guidelines and Forum Housekeeping -- a How To for Memrise staff, regulars, leaders, and members