Has anyone else's screen fonts suddenly changed on the web version?

Greetings all. I have busy with course creation on the web version this morning and for some reason the font size on my screen suddenly changed. It is substantially smaller now. I didn’t do anything. I logged off and then back on and it is still smaller. This is on both Firefox and Chrome.

I went into the settings for each to try to enlarge the standard fonts, but this issue only seems to be limited to Memrise. All other places I visit (e-mail, Word, Excel, and bookmarked favorite sites) are fine. Only Memrise is small. And only the course site. The not so secret, secret leaderboard, and the Community Forum are fine.

Is it possible that Memrise put out a web release in the past few minutes that might have caused this, or is this weirdness just something I am seeing ?

Not only has the font size changed in the course level section, but it appears so has the location of the “Edit Course” button on the course description screen. See the attached comparisons between Firefox and Chrome. Both of the same screen. The “Edit Course” button is on the right side in Firefox, but on the left side in Chrome. Wasn’t like that earlier this morning. I have already logged off/on of Memrise as well as a complete shutdown and boot up of my laptop. Still seeing the same effect. I am using Windows 7. Any other suggestions ? Thanks.

Sorry I forgot to include the pic of the small font in the course level screen. You can also see that the lines between rows also disappeared. Again, it wasn’t like this earlier this morning. Thanks.

This issue continues to grow (or should I say, shrink). Now the dashboard real estate is minimalized almost to the size of that in my iPad (and my laptop screen is 2x the size). Even the fonts are about the same size on each device now. The new wrinkle now is that I noticed that my points and words learned instead of being side by side, are now above and below each other, and both are now blanked out. (They are not this way on my iPad using Safari). Just this way on my laptop using Firefox and Chrome. Am I the only one that this is happening to ???

Hi @pdao,

Of the changes you mention, I have only experienced the repositioning of the Edit Course button on the course homepage.

I haven’t noticed any change to font size, and my dashboard “words learned” and “points” tally are still showing side-by-side as usual.

I’m using Chrome on a laptop with Windows 10.

@pdao: I’ve mentioned this UI behaviour one week ago, but in firefox; font size unstable (sometimes very small), tabs concentrating to the middle of the page etc. In the last days the only tabs jumping around were on the main dashboard (the recently learning) and when looking for courses … well, sometimes in watering I get shifty backgrounds, or black ones, but such behaviour is not a novelty

@alanh ~ thanks for the response. It’s good to know I am not the only one who noticed something different (at least in terms of the Edit Course button). I will see how this plays out. Thanks again.

@Hydroptere ~ Hope all is well. Thanks for the response. I thought about your issues when I first saw this, and my first reaction was that it might be what you were describing in this forum before.

I am running my virus checker (again !) just to make sure there is nothing amiss, and I have cleaned up files and de-fragged my hard disk (I know, I’m anal). The next thing to try is a previous version of Firefox. I hope that will resolve the issue, but if it does, it doesn’t explain why Chrome has issues as well. But hey, one crisis at a time.

Whatever this is, it is on the web version only, (iOS and Android are not an issue). And all other websites or PC applications on my laptop are fine. This seems only limited to Memrise, and I can’t figure out why. The search continues…

@pdao: hope all is well there too, greetings. No, don’t revert firefox to an earlier version - that does not really help. Just clean it (you’d have to reinstall all your addons and apps,but). It is more stable lately.

@Hydroptere ~ okay, I will let it go for a while and see if it settles down.

In comparing Chrome to Firefox I can see that more things are amiss with Firefox than Chrome, but both have definitely changed since this morning. It is getting late here, so I guess I will just call it a day and hope for a better tomorrow. Luckily I don’t have any courses to create tomorrow, only reviewing. The course creation font hurts my eyes now. I’m getting too old for this. I can review on my iPad.

Anyway, thanks again. Hope you have a good and productive day !

I use a Stylish script to change Memrise’s font to the type/size I want, as well as change the spacing/width of things so it fits on my screen (800x600 resolution). You might want to look into doing that too. That way in the future, no matter how they change the font, you won’t even notice it.

@risgrynsgrot - thank you for the response. While this will probably work for others, I am doing my best to use a pure vanilla Memrise product.

I realize that might not always be the best approach, but I don’t want to get in over my head with scripts and add-ons that I don’t understand or whose logic may become outdated as the Memrise product evolves.

I’m old school, I know, but so far the vanilla product has worked for me (with a couple hundred thousand caveats, of course)… :grin:

This might sound like a very very stupid and out-of-the-blue question, but where you browsing Memrise from a laptop or something like that? And did that happen as you were opening a new page or in the middle of your browsing session, without you even opening a new page? If it’s the later, the solution might be simple.

To me, this looks like you simply changed the zoom on the page without realizing it. It happens to me all the time on my laptop (I’m quite clumsy when using a touchpad), and it would affect the whole website on one specific browser.
Here is an explanation on how to solve this problem, if it is what I think…

I really hope this helps. If I’m not mistaken, you should be able to solve this just by pressing CTRL + 0 on Memrise main page.

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@Onesmy ~ Thank you VERY much for this response. I had no idea something like this existed. You are correct, it worked. I hit the plus sign a few times in Firefox and Memrise is back to normal font size again. (I even enlarged it a few times so I can better see the beauty of the strokes in some of the more complex Chinese characters I have been dealing with. What a game changer !!!).

I don’t know how this happened, but obviously I was the culprit. I never use the touchpad (I’m still a mouse fan, since I can go faster with that), but somehow I minimized the Memrise screen during all the hours of course creation yesterday. That explains why all other sites were fine.

@Onesmy, you are a genius ! I don’t know if Memrise has a “hero” badge, but if they do, you deserve one. My weary eyes thank you !

Now I have to figure out why I have no total points or words on the Firefox screen, but do on the Chrome and Safari screens. (Maybe they will show up some day, I’m not going to lose sleep over it.) Super low priority since my restored screen size is the treat du jour !

Have a wonderful day ! (or evening, if that is your case in your part of the world) :grin:

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In my case, it would be a wonderful evening. And honestly, I’m really happy this helped. I mean, it happens to me all the time, and the first time it ever happened I struggled for a while before understanding what happened, so it’s nice to know that this ended up being useful to someone else. :smiley:

Unfortunately, I doubt that I can help with the “no total points or words” problem on Firefox. I probably used up all my time being a “hero” or a “genius” for at least one full year. :wink: But hopefully, now that the first problem is solved, someone else will know how to help with the other problem!