Hanja lookup


Anyone know how to find the possible Hanja matches for a some Korean letter combination? Preferably some online tool. Say, I have 적, I want to know which Hanja’s could be potential matches. This helps me creating my mems sometimes.

A quick google search did not give me anything satisfactory.


You can press right Ctrl after typing 적 to see possible haja characters or go to http://hanja.naver.com/ if you want the characters but don’t care about specific meaning (everything is in Korean).

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Thanks. Naver really does everything :wink: … and it suits my purpose here.
I have to copy-paste them anyhow afterwards in another software to get the non-traditional equivalents as I’m only familiar with simplified Chinese.

Guess the “right Ctrl” is OS or Input Source related. Tried a few combinations on my mac, to no avail. Anyhow, no worries, you solved my problem.

Type the 한글 you want and then press Alt+Enter on mac and it will bring up a list of Hanja characters that relate; as well as Korean meanings alongside. eg;