Can anyone translate સ્વગંવાસ? This word appears on a photo of my long deceased grandfather and likely translates to death date, but I would like to know what the literal meaning is.
I misread the word - it is actually સ્વર્ગવાસ. According to, સ્વર્ગ means heaven and paradise and વાસ means “residence; abode, dwelling, house; street; locality. f. smell; bad odour.” When you put the two words together, does it mean something different like “deceased”?
In my dictionary (an old paper one) it says સ્વર્ગવાસ is ‘Residence in heaven’ and a second meaning of ‘deceased’.
And સ્વર્ગવાસી as an adjective meaning ‘that dwells in heaven’.
It gives the example તેનો સ્વર્ગવાસ થયો (which Google doesn’t know how to translate!) for He died.
A more modern (less religious) way might be તે મૃત્યુ પામ્યા.