I am learning French. Every once in a while the Grammarbot is suggested. But in fact there are no more than two lessons, at least on my level.
Even worse: When I make a mistake the stupid bot just tells me that it is wrong. No hint, what is wrong and how to do it right. So there is no way to learn anything.
I think that the bots are a very clumsy way to teach. You have a dialog that is in English with little French in between. It is time consuming and tedious to go through the steps with very little effect.
Im learning Mandarin Chinese 1 and there also are just two or so leasons for grammarbot. I think it could be usefull tool, but it is not in this current state.
Can I disable it from appearing in the next up section?
Same in Spanish concerning style - they are appropriate to level 1 but no further. I keep getting the same couple of grammar bots and chatbots on level 5. Once done ( perhaps twice) these should go away.