Getting the "Course Completed" Message at the End of Watering/Review Session

Is it only me or are others now more frequently seeing the “Course Completed” message (with the animated blue and green bar) on completion of a watering/review session in an individual course?

It makes sense to get that message when completing the planting of the final item in the course but not to repeatedly get it many months later when all you have done is water/review a few items.

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I get this every time I finish reviewing items in a specific course, not when reviewing in other courses. I usually review on a course-by-course basis so that’s why I’ve noticed this pattern. Perhaps something similar is happening for you?

Yes, very similar. I review course-by-course, too, and it’s always the same courses where this now occurs. It wasn’t always the case, though. It seems to have started a few weeks ago.

It’s only a minor irritation, though.

Are you seeing “Course Completed” after doing a review session of a completed course, or is the course not completed?

Hi Joshua,

Yes. I’ve had it several times again today - I think it was always for completed courses. I’ll check and try and grab a screenshot next time.

Thanks for clarifying that for me, this is not a bug :sweat_smile:

But why would you get the whole ‘whistles and bells’ routine following the correct review of just one or two items?

This is the expected behaviour, nothing has been changed.

Hi again @Joshua,

OK, thanks. I have got it now.

The trigger for generating the “course completed” message is clicking on “Next” following a review session in order to view the course leaderboard. If the course is 100% complete (ie no ‘ígnored’ items) clicking on “Next” will generate the message. If the course is ‘complete’ but has some 'ignored words, you don’t get the message, presumably because it’s not treated as ‘complete’.

You can close this one now. :slight_smile:

Amazing, thanks again for the clarification :smiley: