Furigana above the Kanji

Have furigana above the Kanji when enabled when the course needs you to answer in english


Thank you for the suggestion @Ventile!
You are right that we have an issue in how we teach/don’t teach Kanji. We are currently trying out different technologies to solve this, and hope to deliver a solution to you soon!


I would not like that…

Please do make it an option if it is globally added to Memrise, maybe something you can toggle on and off within a session.

Furigana are very much ‘training wheels’, that should not be constantly relied on while drilling vocabulary. It would make all ‘readings’ levels within my and others’ courses, where you’re prompted with the kanji and told to type the kana, completely meaningless if forced on constantly.



the lack of this feature is exactly why I didn’t buy Memrise Pro.
Every other basic japanese course I know use furiganas. Japanese children also use them.
Not only learning a kanji globally from scratch is too difficult, it is also nonsense. It has to be learned from individual strokes. For non-japanese people, I think that James Heisig’s method has clearly showed it.
The profound reason behind this is that Japanese has been an oral language for many centuries, before taking kanjis to chinese and adapting them to the existing language. As a result a kanji can be pronounced differently in different contexts (as everybody here knows).

Printed text book have solved the problem of Furiganas-over-kanjis decades ago. Why not apps? Another solution would be to write the furigana version of the word after the Kanji one; or add a line; or be able switch between writings by clicking on the word.

Please add this feature!

Thank you.


y tener la posibilidad de decidir si queres usar el reloj para responder o no seria un cambio bueno

Necro =)

Is furigana going to be added? That would be amazing!

Maybe like this?

[時間](/fr “じかん”)

Would really love this option, especially for when making example sentences.



The current difference between course Japanese 0 and Japanese 1 is super difficult to understand. There’s nothing to help with pronunciation of new characters and it just feels like there was an entire course missing between 0 and 1, making me very frustrated, as some entire sentences are made up if characters I’ve never seen before and don’t know how to pronounce. As a language teacher, you’re failing at your job it you just show me a sentence made of words I’m not familiar with in characters I’ve never seen before and don’t even know how to pronounce.


I totally agree. It would be fine if the words learned in kana in Japanese 0 were then taught in kanji in Japanese 1, but that is not the case.

It is too difficult trying to learn kanji without the kana. Im beginning to wonder whether I will be able to continue learning with memrise.

There is a separate Kanji course called Jōyō Kanji by Grade (Meanings and Definitions). It’s helpful, but it’s challenging.

It’s actually pretty easy if you learn the radicals first.

Do memrise offical courses teach the same word twice, once with kana then again with kanji like what most community courses do? if not, then that’s ridiculous and way too hard. If yes, then learn each kanji individually. It’s a lot more time consuming doing it this way, but it does make it so much easier and will improve retention and make it faster to learn each word once you do learn the kanji’s individually.