Frozen "Let It Go" in different languages


Do you know this famous Disney cartoon-movie “Frozen”? How does it sound in your language?

And what about the song “Let It Go”?

English: 1)Movie: Frozen 2) Song: "Let It Go"
Estonian: 1) Lumekuninganna ja igavene talv (The Snowqueen and eternal winter) 2) “Olgu nii” (Let it be)

children in Estonia call this :movie_camera: “Elsa multikas” (The cartoon of Elsa)


Russian: 1) Холодное сердце (Cold Heart) 2) Отпусти и забудь (Let go and forget)


It’s a very good Idea to add translation

Didn’t actually know what’s it called in my language, had to look it up… :sweat_smile:


  1. Movie: ملكة الثلج, (Snow Queen - Malikatu 'tthalj)
  2. Song: أطلقي سرّكِ, (Release your secret - Atliqii Sirraki)

Movie: Die Eiskönigin völlig unverfroren
Song: Lass jetzt los


Is it in Arabic?

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That is correct! (Trying to reach the 10 character count)
And apologies, forgot to mention.

that is german
Movie: the icequeen
and the translation of völlig unverfroren ? I’m not sure. I have no idea.:flushed:
google says: completely unbroken, but sounds very strange to me. Maybe someone else knows a good translation?

And the song means also let it go

@Atikker ~ I never saw the movie myself, so I had to ask for translation assistance from my wife as to how it was worded here in Taiwan.

The movie was titled: 冰雪奇缘 (Bing Xue Qi Yuan) which translates into English to something along the lines of (A Snow And Ice Romance).

The song was titled: 隨它吧 (Suí Tā Ba) which translates into English to something along the lines of (Let It Be).

She said the titles would differ in other Chinese speaking lands, and with other dialects (i.e. Cantonese, Shanghaiese, Mainland-based Mandarin, etc.)

She said however, most children and parents here just call the movie “Frozen” since it is easy to pronounce and remember, even if it is in English.


It’s a play on words.

I’m not certain what unverfroren is either, but I think it’s something like “shameless” or “bold” or “dastardly” – and it looks similar to gefroren (frozen).

Spanish? French? Italian? Portuguese? Dutch? Japanese? Swedish? Serbian?

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Movie: Frost _norrskenets magi
[Frozen Northern lights magic]

Song: Slå dig fri
[break free]

and thank you Hydroptere!

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In Czech its: „Ledové království“, that can be literally translated as „Ice kingdom“ and the song „Let it go“ is in Czech as „Najednou“, i am not sure how to trasöate it, because the word is very specific, but probably as „at the exact moment

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