Within an italien course ( for ex. course 4,5,6,7 ) i noticed that verbs have different traductions. For example for the verbe “voler” : Rubare , Rapinare, Turbare which of course have in italien small meaning differences . There is no possibilities to know what is expected. I think it would be very helpfull to add in parenthesis what is expected i.e “Rapinare” is the verbe wich means " Voler a main armée" nor " rubare" nor " Turbare " a propos “Turbare” which means ( pls correct me if i make a mistake ) “troubler”. Rapinare means “Braquer"
These are examples and " Voler” means as well "to fly " how can I know what should be the correct answer. The above example can be extended to some adjectif like “sec” and “Asciutto” words etc… The problem I experienced is that the review brings always these words back and I have to guess what is expected, and guess is not what I am looking for. A solution could be for ex.
Voler ( a main armée) . I am aware that this means more data in database.
OK that frustrate me however thanks for the team allowing me to learn Italien