French for English speakers - Mistakes and Feedback

Dear @MemriseSupport ,

in Course 5, Chapter “Sports:Fans” the word for “tournament” is introduced as “le tournois”. I believe, however, that this is the plural of the word or an adjective. Correctly, it should be “le tournoi”.

Best wishes,

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Hi @Dumani,

Happy New Year! :partying_face: Thank you for spotting this, I appreciate! I now have corrected the item, you can log out and in again of your profile in order to see the change.

Warm wishes,

Dear @fanny_sta ,

happy to help! :smiley:

Thank you, I wish you a wonderful new year as well!

Hello, in the rubric SCHOOL SUBJECTS, the first word is sujet…
But sujet isn’t used for school subjects. The correct word for “a school subject” is " une matière"

Merci de changer cette donnée!

Continuing the discussion from French for English speakers - Error:


There is a typo in a part of the French for English Speakers / Holiday Survival Kit / Christmas Dinner portion.

“pompette” is translated as “tispy” about half the time, which is initially confusing. It is correctly spelled “tipsy” the other half the time. Just a small error I wanted to bring to your attention.

Can’t tell you how much I love this site! Thank you!

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Hi @fanny_sta , just to draw your attention to the two comments above. Thank you!

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Thank you @leniruk2, I agree with you! The word has been removed from the Level until we make a new entry for “une matière”. Thanks for flagging :pray:

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Hi @Seytom well spotted! The translation has now been corrected, thanks for your help :innocent:

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@fanny_sta I have three small suggestions for French 1:

je travaille comme danseuse - I work as a dancer ((I would add “female” to the prompt))

nous voulons … - we want… (formal) ((this can be used in informal contexts as well, delete “formal”?))

nous avons … - we have… (formal) ((this can be used in informal contexts as well - delete “formal”?))

@fanny_sta I have some suggestions for French 2:

est-ce que je peux emprunter un adaptateur ? - can I borrow an adaptor? ((in the French alternative answers, could you please add “je peux emprunter un adaptateur ?” - in some questions, “est-ce que” is used, in some it isn’t.

je peux avoir un oreiller supplémentaire ? - can I have an extra pillow? ((in the French alternative answers, could you please add “est-ce que je peux avoir un oreiller supplémentaire ?”))

est-ce que je peux laisser mes bagages à la réception ? can I leave my luggage at the reception? ((in the French alternative answers, could you please add “je peux laisser mes bagages à la réception ?”))

à quoi avez-vous touché ? - what did you touch? ((add “plural; formal” to the prompt))

je peux avoir une autre chambre ? - can I have another room? ((in the French alternative answers, could you please add “est-ce que je peux avoir une autre chambre ?”))

je peux avoir le petit-déjeuner au lit ? - can I have breakfast in bed? ((in the French alternative answers, could you please add “est-ce que je peux avoir le petit-déjeuner au lit ?”))

je peux payer par carte de crédit ? - can I pay by credit card? ((in the French alternative answers, could you please add “est-ce que je peux payer par carte de crédit ?”))

tu peux payer en liquide - you can pay cash ((the context seems formal, it would therefore help to add “informal” to the prompt))

passez à la caisse - proceed to checkout ((add “plural; formal” to the prompt))

je ne retrouvais plus mon chemin - I couldn’t find my way back ((would a translation like “I didn’t find my way back” be more suitable? I’m always inclined to to answer “je ne pouvais pas retrouver mon chemin”))